
In the video she asks the question, people in the crowd cheer and the men on the panel looks chastened. Then men in the audience start booing loudly and you can see the panel become emboldened to start openly making fun of her. There is a lessen here about the fact that the misogyny in the game industry is reinforced

Great article, full stop. Thanks for bringing to light some amazing people I had no idea existed, even though I was aware of most of the things they’ve worked on... which tells me how necessary this article was.

-Gandum the Grey

Apologies after the fact are pointless and irrelevant. He is apologizing because they got caught. Activision does not care about people, it cares about profits. 

Just to be clear, it seems many people are coming forward and pointing out that this behavior was present in Blizzard well before Activision came about.

It is this type of irresponsible behavior from unaccountable State bureaucrats that are driving many of the State’s best businesses out of California”

I would argue that without mods, especially when it comes to multiplayer (role-play enabling especially), GTA V wouldn’t have been quite the cash cow it now most definitely is. GTA Online is a pointless grind-fest, that fails miserably should you turn off friendly-mode.

Sequel-wise, there is no more story to tell. Bringing back Sin (which, as my understanding, is what the audio drama does) is just an uninspired rehash. 

I didn’t say we would be providing them with spacesuits

Brutal: Paws of Fury maybe?

I am finding the reactions to this hilarious.

What I feel like deserves more emphasis here is how categorically useless critic reviews have become. If you bother to scroll down a metacritic list of critic scores, particularly on a major game you not only likely won’t recognize most of them, but if you actually click through you may very well find the review to be


To the tune of the SEGA chant: “GET FUUUUCKED”

By that logic, why shouldn’t I just buy from a scalper then? They “got more consoles in the hands of gamers” in the end. I could quit trying to buy one every few days from GameStop, Best Buy, Amazon, New Egg, Target, etc. etc. etc. and just spend a few hundred extra to have one now.


So much yes.

Which particular conservative views do you want to see positively reported on here?

Fixing Kinja shouldn’t be a joking matter.  Patricia is EIC now, she can demand a new comment system for her website because this current one is busted as hell, and seems to get worse every year.

What a thoughtful way to kick off what I’m sure will be a wonderful tenure. Kotaku, like the industry it covers, needs to continually evolve. I can’t think of a better person to lead that change than you Patricia. I look forward to seeing where you take the site.