
Looks like she’s wearing it on the wrong finger, but god do I love a bezel set ring! No prongs to break or worry about, or get caught on things. Bezel settings for the win. If you have a ring with prongs, you can find a jeweler to re-set your stone(s) into a bezel setting, and you’ll never look back... So much easier

Okay those guys aren't "too good for you", though, they're being manipulative and demanding and they arent respecting your boundaries. If you don't wanna to someone you don't have to.

otherwise unmemorable singles like “Candy” by Mandy Moore

Ok, I think I need to sink my teeth into this. I started high school in 2000, but for a chunk of the year, I was in 8th grade (which reminds me, Pen15 fans should see Eighth Grade). I was in 7th grade for the 98-99 school year and I was obsessed with the Delia’s and Alloy catalogs, updating my webpage,

I saw him in concert last October at a fairly small venue. It was plain from the jump that something is wrong with him. He has his stage manager come out before shows and tell everyone that they can’t use flashes or lights from their cell phones because bright lights will give Ryan an ‘Ocular Seizure’.

Hulu keeps trying to foist this upon me. I’ve been resisting. Seventh grade was the most awkward year of my life (although it was a bit before 2000).  I might just give this a try. 

Know who else has 5 Grammy nominations? Kid Rock. The Grammys mean less than nothing. Almost no one watches, even fewer care.

Next time I need to write a comment for this blog, I will be sure to contact you first to get your approval about style and content. Thanks for being so generous with your time and expertise and based on what my sister said about Grace Coddington you and she would get along well. :)

Yup. This is why we can’t have nice things.

Pink says she once slashed the tires of her husband’s car.

Yeah, this comment section is pretty fucking unreal and depressing. “I’m a white man, but”; “I’m a white liberal and;” I’m a white liberal atheist from the south but I don’t get why people are so mad...”

God damn. Every commenter excusing this shit with "it was a long time ago," "everybody's done it," "it wasn't wrong back then," "they're not racist, they're good people," "we've all done similar things,": You're so close. It's almost like racism is systemic. 

“At some point, it became widely known that that blackface was offensive”

Kimmel also appeared in blackface on the Man Show to impersonate Oprah. Kimmel did a lot of racist, misogynistic shit back in the day in order to get rich & famous and, once he did so, he suddenly (& conveniently) found his moral compass.

All these people saying burn your R Kelly CD’s after that documentary came out and no one was doing shit to their Bowie or Aerosmith or Stones albums (or shit man, like 90% of all your classic rock dudes who were up to some shit with underage groupies in the day).

I can’t account for Tyler’s recollection of the needle as a part of the abortion. My guess is they did an amnio as part of her workup after the fire to determine harm to the fetus after her extreme level of oxygen deprivation, and Tyler misunderstood what that was for. Possibly it all became fuzzy in his memory (this

I decided not to have children, literally because I wanted to ensure the cycle of abuse was broken, and I just couldn’t promise myself I would never ever do any of what my parents did to me. I know I would never purposely hurt any child, but I’m emotionally broken, sometimes, and I don’t know what impact that would

LifeSite is...not reliable. It is a Religious Right propaganda site. Holcomb’s account hits every square on the Religious Right Life-Is-A-Left-Wing-Conspiracy Bingo card, but she’s subtle about it, and if you didn’t grow up speaking the language, you might miss it. I have no doubt that she had a relationship with

By the time I was 16, I’d endured years of: misogynistic tirades from my father who called me a prostitute when I was in second grade (learned a new word that day!); ongoing paranoia from both my parents that I’d have sex despite not knowing what sex was at the time (lower elementary school); bullying at school from

I’m quite certain their “quiver” is never so “full” that they haven’t got room for more a little more homophobia and misogyny.