
Whats wrong with that?

She’s making a life-altering accusation. “Incredibly detailed story?” Give me a fucking break. Tell me why she should be granted anonymity.

Yeah, such an awful show, focusing on a civically-engaged female lead character involved in local politics. What a terrible premise for a show, right?

Two problems with this story (or really one combined major problem):

Why didn’t she simply walk out? Why did she blow him? This is clearly a consensual sexual encounter she later regretted. “I didn’t really want to do it, but I did anyway” is not sexual misconduct.

Now let’s see the police who killed the man charged with murder? No, that can’t happen because we’re fucked?

“People with occupations contribute to society. Their work is part of the social structure. Playing games contributes zero to the world.”

You aren’t contributing anything to society as a mid level marketing manager you dipshit.

No, this is not the conclusion I reached. In fact, if one is rising in the competition, I say Go for it, and with all you’ve got. On this we agree.

But being a professional gamer is their occupation. By entering televised/casted tournaments, they are providing entertainment (just ask the 20 million people that watched the Dota 2 championship).

eSports is entertainment just like any other sport. Saying they have zero value means you also believe every other pieces of entertainment like movies also have zero value.

God damn, the Olympics get me JACKED THE FUCK UP for sporting events I otherwise never give a shit about, and I swear if this guy rolls in and ATTACKS the ice skating arena in Pyeongchang with “Turn Down for What,” I am going to throw my table through my window a fit of ragejoy.

Your comments here make you seem to be bitter and hollow. There are much less spiteful ways to argue how much a child should play video games. Especially on a video game website.

Well let’s see, more than 80 million people watched a semifinals game this year for League, a League streamer made $2,000,000 last year, and the North American LCS for League of Legends just franchised with 3 different NBA teams investing more than $20,000,000 this year. But yeah, I’m sure compared to these

People do it everyday sitting in cubicles working 9-5.

I have no doubt he’ll walk again; but there is no chance he plays football again.

Judging from the West Ham keeper’s post-Obiang goal reaction, Son was shushing the away fans section(s)

Someone needs to explain to him that White isn’t actually a color, but the absence of other colors, and that Black is just all colors combined.

You actually wouldn’t. You want to minimize the deceleration on landing, having skis on would mean that the deceleration would be much higher. Taking them off would help you penetrate the snow and reduce the landing shock immensely. Just like crumple zones in a car actually.

the other chair did not put its keys in the fishbowl