
My brother wanted to look at the Gladiator as he was looking to buy a truck. He wasn’t sure when he was going to buy but if he got a good enough deal he would take it. He went to the Jeep dealership and they asked him if he was looking to buy that day, he said no (because why would you tell them the truth). Then later

What makes him a trashcan lmao, his whole twitch persona is that of an arrogant asshole, and is one of the only streamers to put real production into his stream. Sure he cheated on his wife but people make mistakes. They’re still together and apparently working through things. How anything he’s done makes him a

Wait what did you read the article??? Most of the blame falls squarely on Bioware’s shoulders rather than EA. EA’s only mistake I could see is forcing Frostbite on them, other than that it was Bioware fucking up all the way down.

But that’s a scared way to live life no? Always in fear of the possibility that something bad might happen. You never get to live life if you’re always afraid, and you don’t get to enjoy it. I refuse to give in to that mentality personally, as It is a slippery slope to a very boring life.

Why does the failure of Anthem fall on EA and not Bioware themselves? 6 years of dev time but people like yourself claim it wasn’t ready, and suddenly it’s big bad EA’s fault? I’m quite confused on that one, and I must ask you why you feel bioware didn’t fuck up and maybe this is the finished state of the game, and

How is killing many young adults who attend a prestigious school making the world a better place? Just because someone is intelligent and attends a highly regarded school does not make them bad people...Jesus fuck people on deadspin comments get worse and worse.

Here is my issue with Bethesda though, the literal same exact bugs have existed through many of their titles, spanning like a decade. This is because they reuse the same engine aspects without fixing those bugs, or maybe there isn’t a good fix. At that point if it was that difficult a fix that you knew it existed but

Hey man Chad was pretty damn good until he tore his rotator cuff early in his career. That’s a tough injury to come back from.

How the fuck are you supposed to tackle the QB then? This was one of the cleanest sacks I’ve ever seen.

I mean I’m pretty sure they’ve both said they’re friends outside of any professional relationships. So you know, not really that weird.

Wait what, Sony had Last of Us Part 2, Ghost of Tshushima, Resident Evil 2 Remake, new crazy Death Stranding trailer with gameplay, Nioh 2, and Spiderman. Shit even MS was good with Halo, Ori, Gears, FH4, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, DMC 5, Dying Light 2, Jump Force, Battletoads (!), and a real trailer for fucking

Jesus so they basically reply to that person without giving them a chance to respond back, and probably without that person knowing what was said? That is some underhanded shit, how on earth did they think this was a good feature to implement?

Wait really? Huh didn’t know that. Seems a bit dumb to have that feature no, wouldn’t you just get echo chambers where any comment which disagrees with the OP would never get read? God that is absurdly stupid.

Funny you should mention that. My response to the guy calling him a nazi/enabler which was critical of his comment got removed I think, when it had like 10 upvotes in 5 minutes after I posted it. I don’t get what’s happening in these comments at all. Some people have 0 respect/class in the wake of a man dying at 33

To claim he is a white supremacist is not only wrong but defamatory. But go on do continue to try to shit on a man who literally *JUST* died at age 33 to cancer, and suffered immensely through the past few years. I’m not even a fan of his but goddamn comments like this are absolutely pathetic.

Funny you mention that, because there is literally a comment in here calling him a Nazi/Nazi-enabler. It’s like they root for people with differing opinions to die, shits crazy in the Kotaku comments and it is infuriating.

So let me get this straight, the man dies of cancer and you think, “Hey let me call him a Nazi/enabler, that’ll show the internet what a scumbag I am!” What the fuck is wrong with you, are you 12? This comment is literally mind-bogglingly stupid and tone-deaf. He had a differing opinion to you on a topic and that is

But wasn’t the Marauder just a Crown Vic? I mean shit they couldn’t even make a decent car, they had to rip it from Ford.

For Snowboarding Slopestyle that’s a pretty big what-if in regards to if that issue had happened to the men. The answer is we don’t know what they would have done, to assume that it would be any different is simply looking for controversy. Also they compete in the exact same event, the only difference is the wind

Actually I have, been skiing since I was 3 years old in ‘98, and can air out of a 20 foot pipe. Higher than this woman. She is a disgrace to the sport and the women competing. She gamed the system by going to events with less than 30 entrants, thereby guaranteeing her a spot in the Olympics as she would never be