
Manu forever.

I thought the technical term was “gingervitis”...

honorable mention to Joe Flacco for being true to himself and checking down on 4th and 14 with the season on the line

This season has been such a fucking downer, and it feels like every Monday morning the big story is some outrage or injury or disappointment or even a crime. It’s nice to get up on the first Monday of the year and read a story about football that makes me smile.

I wasn’t kidding. Alabama’s resume sucks.

Yeah, so, someone explain to me again how they finished 12th in the playoff rankings? They should be playing Clemson tonight

TIL The Bills somehow had a longer playoff drought than the fucking Browns.

The fact that this was shot in the concourse of Hard Rock stadium in Miami makes it that much sweeter.

For everything the NFL fucked up royally this year, having all the games that mattered played at the same time was exhilarating. I mean, just look at this:

As a Browns fan that wanted us to make Tyrod Taylor an offer he can’t refuse, I’ve been rooting for the Bills to get in, because something nice should happen to some hard-luck franchise in the Year of Trump. Here’s to Buffalo randomly running the table.

Calling it now: The Bills will get back to the Super Bowl this year. Only to lose the Super Bowl on a missed field goal. Again.

In unrelated news, the price for folding tables have jumped 300% in the past 18hours.

New Year’s Eve and a Bills playoff appearance all in the same night? The ass-crack beers will be flowing like Champagne in Buffalo tonight!

me texting at the 2-minute warning: “I can’t believe I’m here rooting for Andy fucking Dalton”
me yelling at TV 1 minute later: “YOU BEAUTIFUL FUCKING GINGER PRINCE!!!”

Sean McDermott always knew that a white quarterback would get the Bills to the playoffs.

And the Browns take their rightful spot on top of the NFL playoff drought mantle.

Fat Guy touchdowns also lead to Fat Guy group touchdown celebrations.

Fat Guy touchdowns are the best touchdowns. This is a fact.

The fact that the Rockets got fucked by two James Harden offensive fouls on a routine in-bounds due to Marcus Smart flopping his ass off makes the entire thing so, so much better than it already is. You can almost get drunk off the schadenfreude.