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Figured I should post this to you as well, as many people can’t handle shit talking nowadays it seems. It’s been a part of professional gaming since it became a thing. An infraction with punishment, “ejection from competition”? You can’t be serious dude, why is everyone in this comment thread so clueless about the

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You’re out of your mind if you think this is something new. Also players always shake hands at the end of a match. You should watch some old ass CS clips of trash talk like this one if you think trash talk wasn’t always a part of the scene in gaming. This is from a professional tournament. Jesus some people are

There is plenty of very valid criticism on that subreddit, though maybe it didn’t look great for the past 2 weeks. The PC release saw a game with people getting falsely banned, with Bungie defending themselves saying it was a system working correctly...which they later retracted and ended up unbanning a decent amount

I do play ESEA, I’m A-, I don’t really play MM anymore. But those numbers about getting to rank 21, are actually calculated by someone on reddit if you bothered to look it up. Also the ranking system is much harder to rank up in nowadays when they restructured the “center” of the ranking curve. If n0thing got placed

It seems you’ve never played CS before and don’t quite understand what I’m saying or how rankings work. Unless you have many hours in either 1.6 or CS:S then no that isn’t possible. It is simply impossible to just pick up CS:GO and within 300 hours obtain a rank of LE-LEM, as to even play prime matchmaking (level 21

If we’re being honest here, as someone who has 2500+ hours in CS:GO, I think this is a dope addition to the game. You don’t understand how many times you play with/against someone with like 300 hours (at a rank that is basically unobtainable within 300 hours) who has prior vac bans in like Modern Warfare or something

There is a commend system though where you can basically say exactly that. It’s been in the game for long time now too lol.

Those runs were in both directions. 1 run for each in this video.

Just because she felt that way does not make it true. As well it is insane to look past the abuse. She is a sociopath that seems to thrive on manipulation and it’s insane that you can read this story and go “forget the abuse, let’s talk about how she thought she couldn’t make it as a woman in this field”. She didn’t

Man you’re an angry person lol. What is wrong with a team projected to be average doing well, and being happy for them? Jesus some people have the most irrational hatred of the Yankees that other winning teams don’t see.

I mean...according to the Yankees they were in a rebuilding year (how true that is idk) so it kind of was a win for them in a way? Idk man it’s strange how you’re so combative of this idea of fans being happy that their team who wasn’t really considered that good at the season start to make it deep in the playoffs. A

Also if he slid with his away from the catch leg I think that run scores, kind of a strange decision to slide the way he did tbh.

I think you might actually be retarded. In no way is it dangerous to flip your bat after you hit a monster dong. Pimp that shit all day long is what I say. Also if you think he was throwing it at the catcher, there’s no hope left for someone with so little activity happening between their ears. On the taught as a kid

Honestly though it is THE greatest deal of a compilation in gaming history as far as I’m concerned, so that makes it kinda alright. I mean shit like you said ep .2 portal or TF2 could have won Gamer of the Year themselves, but since they are all Valve produced I’d say it’s not that big of a deal that the compilation

Honestly I’m curious as to why so many people here on Deadspin are so invested in this petty bullshit. Who the fuck honestly cares if they go to the white house to shake his hand. Everyone has lost their goddamn minds in the past few months it seems.

I mean I never said it was easy, but this emulator isn’t taking sales from them, it’s been pretty much proven that piracy doesn’t really affect sales much at all. It is idiocy to bring a lawsuit against an emulator creator. If they want the sales they should port it, if not it’s a pointless lawsuit.

That’s assuming that the person in question has a PS4 or PS3. If you are solely a PC gamer Persona 5 is absolutely not worth buying a console for. Just port the damn game, exclusives are bullshit.

It’s a 4 door sedan what lmao, you can’t compare it to a purpose built semi stripped down car like the ST. It’s also a lot heavier too so the times makes sense. I don’t see the point in comparing to very different cars, especially when the GT seems to be an overall nicer car.

What is interesting to note though as well is that aren’t many of the people who lived in this era a product of the times? I would wager a vast majority of Americans back then were indeed racist, and a lot of that has to do with the sentiment of the times they were brought up in. It’s a little unfair to criticize

Fair enough, it’s just strange, to me GGG won that fight for sure. I can maybe see a tie. But no way does Canelo win that fight, and sure as shit not 10 rounds 118-110.