
Wait what do you mean, GGG is exactly the destroyer he was made out to be, he’s just aging at this point. A couple years ago he was knocking people the fuck out left and right. And Mayweather didn’t want anything to do with a fight against him back then, basically he was dodging him, so much so to the point I think

What makes you any different than those you call jamokes, you jamoke. You’re a blogger lmao get over yourself, your opinion is in that same category as those you mock.

These crazy things called “Laws”. In order for a police officer to go into a suspects phone like that I believe they need to obtain a warrant, and if they don’t anything gained from that phone is inadmissible in court. Christ, I hate users on Kinja sometimes, use your brains guys.

That’s some solid bullshit generalization if I’ve ever seen it lmao, that is literally sexist to claim something like that. It is the very thing that so many women complain about, generalizations of an entire gender. Holy shit kinja is bad, this Jezebel shit needs to get out of everything else.

They all look like adults in those images though...not sure what you or this article are implying to be honest, who the fuck cares lol.

Yeah makes sense, guess I just misread your initial comment as the one you were replying to was quite messed up. Fair enough about thinking about how they vote, it’d be nice to keep the planet habitable for the foreseeable future.

As someone from New Jersey as well I can proudly say go fuck yourself dude. That is absurdly toxic reasoning and is fucked up. Let people suffer because of some asinine political bullshit. Jesus fucking christ this site is a literal cancer on the ability to form discussion and talk with a level head about politics.

It’s almost as if you don’t think they’re people just because of the way they voted. That is some toxic as fuck reasoning and that right there is going to be the death of this country. Man there are some real assholes in this comment section, wishing harm on other just because of their political stance. Fuck off dude.

Wait I’m confused, why does having the ability to do those things make them bad people? That logic is pretty fucked to be quite honest. It honestly blows my mind that some people choose to hate those who happen to have more than them as if they somehow didn’t work for it as well, or as if they’re to be blamed for

To be fair, blinking through timelines in the Borealis section could have been groundbreaking at the time, think of a longer version of that awesome Titanfall 2 level where you go backwards and forwards in time, playing through multiple timelines. That’s probably my favorite mechanic of a game that’s released recently

You outta your mind? She clarified that she wasn’t talking about CK and that it was about like Doug Stanhope. My god that’s the definition of confirmation bias right there.

Then why do a lot of those teams host rosters in CS:GO or other games professionally even though they are considered not very good as well? How can a pro sport/esport sustain if they don’t have lower tier teams. Also worth mentioning 9 teams is waaaaay too little to host a full on league, I mean shit there’s 8 teams

I mean not to get pessimistic about Overwatch pro league....but let’s take a look at how many teams dropped their Overwatch rosters over from what I can gather are insane league fees and the staleness of competitive meta. I mean Blizzard balances the game for casual play when it’s first and foremost, as stated by

This is a joke right? If it’s sarcasm ignore this next part and I am an idiot for not realizing. I don’t even like Trump but what in the fuck. The dude fucked up with his VISA, crazy to blame it on anything else.

ESL One Cologne, ESL One New York, all of the IEM tournaments, all of the Dreamhack tournaments, ESL Pro League, ECS, E-League, and all of the lesser known smaller tournaments that still have tens of thousands that go to the winning team. There are only 2 majors in a year, and a ton of other tournaments which also

Since when does a law implemented have retroactive consequences? You do understand that when they threw there was literally NO set rule on match fixing, as in it wasn’t in the rule book. Morally wrong, yes no one is arguing that. The fact of the matter is you can’t retroactively punish someone for a new rule. They

For so much hatred and claims of flaws and reliability issues you have yet to provide anyone here with a first person account or proof to back up any of these claims. You just come off as a giant prick with an irrational hatred for a brand.

I mean the dude works a TON of CS:GO events year round, as Tier 1 casting talent meaning he is among few who get first call for events. And the events he works constantly have million dollar and up prize pools and get tens of thousands of attendees and hundreds of thousands of online viewership. It is very unlikely

Saw that cheeky edit lmao, “save lives”. The troll is strong here.

Oh boy the fun police are here!