
Wait I’m seriously confused, I kinda took a break from the scene for a month or so but what cheating scandals? I tried looking up info on this and haven’t found anything, unless you’re talking about KQLY like 3 years ago. I haven’t seen anything about big name players caught cheating lately.

Actually that’s the whole point of this. Take Two does care about the money. Their CEO is the worst in the gaming business. He doesn’t play nor does he understand video games or the community which allows his business to survive. He is solely a businessman and 100% this was motivated by money. But shutting down mods

Well actually Rockstar had nothing to do with this, and in Rockstar’s press release regarding the situation they pretty much said that. It was 100% that money grubbing take two piece of shit CEO who doesn’t even play games who decided to do this. He just wants to charge for stuff through microtransactions in single

You are absolutely insane lmao, I would like you to give me the episode names for those 2 because I’m honestly curious which ones you think advocate that. I feel like you are definitely missing the point of a few of them or something. Also it’s kind of shitty of you to criticize someone based on political beliefs, you

How have I not seen a single reply talking about the new Ori game or that absolutely drop dead gorgeous game The Last Night (speaking of which, who gives a fuck what the guy supports or doesn’t, that game is honestly one of my top E3 games this year, those graphics made my nipples hard).

Because that literally wouldn’t matter. The dude in question was not currently on trial for domestic violence. And since he was clear he would have still had a firearm regardless. What you’re saying makes no sense whatsoever.

Also surprised to see that Ni No Kuni 2 is a no show, given that it just got a release date this year. You’d think they’d slip something in for it as kind of an ad/reminder, but nothing. Also didn’t get anything regarding whatever FromSoft is working on which was a shame. Overall one of the worst E3's game wise in

I really hope that’s sarcasm lol...That conference made me sad :(

That was Devlover Digital’s parody press conference, which honestly was fucking funny. They took the piss out of E3 conferences pretty well and it was short enough to be enjoyable. It was a good pick me up from how Bethesda let me down.

That might have been the single worst press conference I have ever seen. 6 years since Skyrim and they’re still milking it with a bullshit Hearthstone ripoff. No TES 6 or any hints whatsoever to it (6 fuckin years lmao). No mention of Starfield. Paid mods. 2 new games we already knew were coming. No new IP’s and a

I’m so jealous it hurts lol. If I may ask, how much did you get that NSX for?

Ahhh that makes way more sense. Didn’t know they have a second version of their currency in order to make it worth more than firewood haha.

True, but to be a company that has a yearly revenue of almost 26 billion dollars they must be pretty damn good at what they do relative to the other hundreds of firms with lesser revenue. god I’m so sorry. Just did a conversion on it, that would have been worth just over 1.4 million in USD today. Jesus Christ man...

I mean number 4 in the world out of who knows how many firms that exist is definitely what I’d call one of the “top” firms. Also my god your comment comes off as super douchey.

CS:GO is pretty fun to watch and doesn’t really have much chaos. It’s all pretty tactical and has interesting tension through man down situations and sick shots. IMO it’s way easier to watch than Overwatch and more approachable. FPS games can definitely be mainstream as long as they’re not as in depth and moba-esque

The BB gun in question looked very realistic, and I know that BB guns are modeled after real firearms many games. If someone pulls out a firearm in front of police the protocol is using lethal force, rubber bullets aren’t gonna do shit when someone is about to use real lead as far as the cops can tell. Tranqs, gas,

What color scheme would you prefer for a gritty historical war movie? I think it fits pretty well here and not sure what else would fit the atmosphere of this movie.

Damn dude you gotta mark that stuff NSFW, the F1's engine bay is pure sex.

Well there was Battlefield: Vietnam which was actually a really fun game, but other than that I don’t think there are any others.