
Holy fuck, I know that probably isn’t the case but that’s some anime level shit right there lol.

So you think it’s okay to release a private tape of someone like that just because they bragged about being good in bed? That makes absolutely no fucking sense you realize that right? That’s like the thought process of a middle schooler for fucks sake.

I’m pretty disappointed not to see Metropolis on here (although I guess it’s not as well known as most of these). Seriously though Metropolis is amazing and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone.

If you bothered to actually read the article Bugatti itself states that it is not a matter of regulations that those are on there, but rather for insurance purposes. Way to read the title then skip down to leave a scathing comment that literally has no value. Congratulations, you played ya self. Also it’s like you

And since the OPP seemingly never actually lasered the cars speeding they’re asking for videos so they can justify impounding like 50 cars. They have no proof whatsoever of 50 cars speeding, and used that stunting charge in order to impound said cars and try to build a case after the fact, which is not how the law is

Shit, must’ve mistaken you for someone else I saw in there, similar name. Sorry man.

Right, but that’s not what you were saying in the other post on the Utah issue. You seemed to be very for the .05 limit for no logical reason other than, “fuck drinking and driving”. Which I agree with the sentiment, but you’re not drunk driving at .05 BAC.

If 2 beers with dinner gets someone a dui don’t you think that’s a little bullshit? I mean 2 drinks in and I literally feel nothing and act no different to how I am sober. My reaction times and thought process is not affected in any noticeable capacity at that point. So why should I theoretically be given a DUI when I

I was about to say this same thing essentially regarding banned players. There is no conceivable way money or anything is involved in this because the only remotely known player who is banned for cheating is KQLY (and also SF I guess), and he wasn’t even popular or known.

It really does, but then you look at players who have received cheating bans in the past in CS:GO, and it is literally impossible to figure out who they could be trying to keep in the game. The only “bigger name” cheater I can even remotely think of is the guy who was on Titan (mind you he was on LDLC/Titan for a few

Sure then let’s compare it to Witcher 3 which while having an algorithm for animations i’m pretty sure, It still looked miles ahead of this games animations, It feels emotive and and it doesn’t look like their character models are made out of plastic. Then let’s remember this game has been in production for like 5

Right but most of Geralt’s interactions were created by an algorithm in Witcher 3 and it actually looks pretty good. This on the other hand, looks like shit. And the models look weird as fuck too, there’s like something off with their skin. This game’s dialogue isn’t great either from what I’ve heard so far.

I understand that’s how Raytheon got so successful, but that is not the point of this discussion or post. You’re purposefully blinding yourself to the fact that in this case, US taxpayer money was not spent for the use of this missile. A foreign nation’s taxpayer money was spent, and Raytheon made a profit from it.

What in the fuck are you talking about man? You realize that we don’t just give patriot missiles away for free right? They were developed and are produced by Raytheon, a private contractor, who sells those missiles to other nations for a profit. How is everyone in this thread so daft and so bad at understanding that

I honestly can’t believe you read EatherDwellerNYC15's comment and then posted a response that almost didn’t even address anything he said lmao. Is your reading comprehension really that bad? That government defense budget has nothing, and I repeat NOTHING, to do with PRIVATE companies selling an already developed

I’m surprised that Nioh wasn’t swapped in for Bloodborne, but I guess I can also understand why Bloodborne is still on there.

All that space in the dock and they couldn’t include a secondary GPU to boost docked performance? Come on Nintendo...

Filthiest pro level Deagle play since the Happy ace on inferno a couple years back.

Because it’s asinine to attempt to start a political discussion in the comments section of a car website. Most of us are here because our love for cars ends up being an escape from the political garbage out in the real world. And for one I never used any terminology like “special-snowflake” and the fact you responded

Way to bring race into something not concerning race in the slightest bit! You win the “I’m a douchebag” award!