
If you’ve even been remotely involved in the counter strike scene since 1.6 (released in 1999 btw) you would know smack talking has been around forever. You watch old LAN clips of matches and after a good play or a crushing round you can hear them shit talk the other team, here’s an example in 1.6 (those guys are all

Man the FD RX-7 is such a good looking car.

Not when its not explicitly in the agreement.

I know what compound interest is I’m not an imbecile, but index might not be the best option, and saving an extra 10 grand for retirement when you’re only 16? Come on man, did you never live a childhood and just worry about money all the time? What type of life are you living if you never get anything for yourself and

I mean him spending 10 grand now really has no bearing on if he can afford a luxury/sports car down the line. The kid is only 16 man, if he gets a good job he can get that car anyways down the line. It’s just kind of absurd to suggest not getting a car as a teenager. Having a car at that age is about gaining freedom,

Wellllll actually the Jeep was in the wrong too, and it’s kinda bullshit you’re talking so much shit about this rider. The Jeep was riding without a flag or “whip” and they were driving just under the crest of a blind hill, a recipe for disaster. Had they actually had whips the riders could have spotted the Jeeps

The Jeep also does not have a flag or “whip” as they call them to be spotted with. They were also running just under a blind ridge. Those are 2 big no no’s in the dunes. Jeep guy is at fault too.

Finally a sensible response in the comments section. I’m the same way but with skiing (been skiing since I was 3 years old). A majority of the commenters here simply don’t understand that these guys would be doing this shit regardless of if it was on ESPN or not. I live for that adrenaline rush, and it is one of the

It’s not ESPN exploiting the mayhem, they are simply providing a safer environment and more visibility for the sports. ESPN is not forcing the riders to do more dangerous or technical tricks. With F1 it was the companies producing more powerful cars with less safety that the drivers did not like. In these action

I have been skiing since I was 3 years old, love hitting the park (albeit not as hard as the pros) and I greatly enjoy the super steep technical stuff with cliffs and tight chutes much more. Every other skier and snowboarder I know has the same outlook on the sport as me; we chase adrenaline. Whether that’s nailing 6o

If this was built in Europe by Europeans it wouldn’t cost 3.4 million fucking dollars that’s for sure.

Nah there are cases around the monitors for whatever reason. I avidly watch CS and I’m not quite sure why they’re there, maybe just to put the player names on the side so we know who’s in frame of the shot? There’s no advertising on them just the player name and the Eleague Major logo, so I’m not quite sure what

Or if you plan on taking it to a track and have fun with it. I dislike that you just assume anyone who buys one is some douche compensating. I would kill to have a Ford GT and I would drive it every day. Not to compensate but man wouldn’t you love to have one too? Ever since I was young playing racing games I dreamed

Or you know, people who really enjoy cars and car culture, the whole purpose of this site.

What? He killed every member of Envyus there. The first kill was onto Happy, the guy who pushed door and killed JDM’s teammate. JDM killed Happy with a pistol. Then he got 4 awp kills. That’s an ace right there.

No, CS has always had wallbangs in it, the bullets do reduced damage but they can penetrate certain object which are thin enough. You can even see on 2 of the kills in the killfeed it shows a bullet then a wall then the dead player.

What makes this 100 times better is when he’s raging in that first clip he’s just shouting “Kurwa” over and over. Dude it literally the epitome of polish cs players even though he’s a tennis superstar lmao. Pretty cool to see a professional sports player is ranked Supreme in CSGO (second highest mm rank you can get).

No way did you just compare using the wrong pronoun to calling someone a “nigger” or “faggot” (we’re all adults here, we can use these words in measured discussions). I sincerely don’t understand how those are even comparable, the hundreds of years of slavery and everything tied into the word “nigger”, and even