
How about, he can do whatever he wants, and if someone wants to pay for a RWB Porsche why not let them? Honestly who gives a shit if its an air-cooled 911 or turbo’d or anything, it’s literally a just a car, relax buddy. Garish in your opinion, beautiful in mine. He’s not destroying anything.

Excuse me? Why the vitriol friend, I was simply trying to have a well thought out discussion with HinkieAndTheBrain, why are you so angry? Let me repost what I also responded to him that you seem to not even have read. “Way to put words in my mouth using sensationalist language, attempting to portray me as a terrible

It baffles me how you have cross-platform games on this list but don’t have the first Killzone game...

Damn we’re losing Saving Private Ryan :(

Way to put words in my mouth using sensationalist language, attempting to portray me as a terrible person instead of having a normal level headed discussion. Bravo man. I do not know the stats, but it was thoroughly investigated by the police and the DA and they couldn’t charge them at all after a full investigation.

Even though no charges were filed? I mean dude let’s be real here it seems like it didn’t really happen. Remember the Duke Lacrosse case? Yeah they totally raped that girl right? You can’t just assume it happened after charges weren’t even filed by the police and investigators. Cmon.

Cool shit Valve, keep pushing those crazy Dota 2 updates. It’d be nice to at least get a source 2 port for CSGO or something. It’s like they focus almost all their effort on Dota and giving CS small patches here or there, or adding more useless shit like gloves so they can make more money, then they implement a fake

Apparently after the attacks happened all the news channels in Turkey started to pump out propaganda and censoring the news, according to redditors in turkey who made the live blog of the attack. Also a bill was brought before parliament yesterday that would essentially give Erdogan the power to abolish the parliament

Dude it’s not about sex....for fucks sake that is just insane that you think that. Westworld (the park) is about the quest lines, the adventure and rawness of the west, and doing whatever you want, things you can’t do in the real world, not explicitly sex. And it’s funny that you think heterosexual sex is boring, how

They explicitly showed Elsie kissing Clementine when her character was introduced to the show... What is the point in making sexuality the main plot point of a show where it shouldn’t be? Sexuality shouldn’t be the defining characteristic of a character, that would be insanely lazy writing and boring to the viewer in

That is absolutely not the parks’ main attraction and I’m sorry you’re missing almost the entire rest of the reason why the park exists, as an almost video game like world to complete quests and live a life you couldn’t have otherwise. The creators said explicitly they were influenced by the game Red Dead Redemption,

Jesus Christ you’re That Guy aren’t you? Other than Logan there was that scene when Elsie made out with a female host for no apparent reason other than character development to show she was indeed queer. I mean what is the point in complaining, it’s just being loud for the sake of being loud, who gives a fuck if there

Why would you push Dave Grohl down a flight of stairs? The dude makes decent music and seems like an honest good guy. Also couples argue, husband and wife argue. An argument isn’t a sign to straight up run away that’s just fucking stupid. Now if they happen frequently that’s different however one argument doesn’t mean

No Final Fantasy XV? Weird you add Hitman but not FFXV.

That is not everyone who voted for trump. What about all the millions of middle Americans who lost or are going to lose their jobs, and struggle to survive, that voted for him because he gave them more hope than Hillary “tax the fuck out of everyone” Clinton. I’m not saying Trump or Hillary are good candidates but

“tragedy or particularly heinous crime, and the election of Donald Trump is, of course, both.”

Still leaving out Smash Bros. Melee for some odd reason, which is an amazing game and absolutely deserves to be on that list.

Thank god someone posted Nujabes, was about to comment some myself. RIP to a legend gone too soon.

You’re a little late on this one man, I’ve been re-watching them since at least Tuesday!

My god that is insanity....