
I think it was a little of both, at the end you hear him say they got no warning even from the news, and there were apparently high winds (40 mph-ish gusts I think) in the area which blow wildfires crazy fast.

Edit: *Just realized this article is 5 years old....showing myself out now*

Yup, both terrible human beings.

As if the Castro regime did anything different hahahaha.

I still want my R34 GTR before like 2024 (for the earliest model years). It’s a bullshit law man....fuck I just want my JDM import :(

I can’t tell which side of the argument you’re on but it seems like you don’t think Castro was a bad guy...the man murdered a ton of fucking people for essentially no reason, he was a brutal dictator and a terrible human being. If you support him in any way you’re a massive douchebag who chooses to ignore certain

Service industry work is NOT skilled labor. Holy fuck. That people actually think it is blows my fucking mind. Having patience doesn’t qualify someone for being a skilled laborer. Skilled labor is the carpenters and metal workers who create things normal people cannot, from big beautiful displays to cabinetry, and

I work as a carpenter in the summer at a decently large wood/metal working shop. I am also studying to be an engineer and about to graduate. You’re gonna sit there and tell me service industry workers like the guys flippin’ burgers at McDicks part time work demanding jobs and deserve similar wages to skilled

No bro it’s blue, and it even pulls up in photoshop as blue.

I know Arkane is, but Bethesda made Arkane scrap production on Unreal Engine 4 during development to use their proprietary engine. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that’s where all the issues stem from. I forget where I heard this buy I do remember hearing it during production.

That isn’t even that big of a ‘bug’ though...I mean c’mon that apples to the huge pc issues on this games oranges.

Holy shit so what I just read with that 120fps cap physics thing is, “We’re using that same old recycled engine from Skyrim etc. after forcing our devs to scrap what they had on Unreal Engine 4 because we want them to use our engine because we’re too greedy to pay a few royalties.” And then they end up pushing a

Um what, some of your point makes no sense. You clearly didn’t read what my comment was in response to. Why would Bethesda insist the Dishonored 2 team scrap what they had and use their in house engine when that same team already had Unreal 3 experience? The game was apparently half made in Unreal 4 by the Dishonored

I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I think it’s petty bullshit to come to online forums and complain how an officer in one of the most dangerous places in the world was “being an asshat”. Maybe you should try doing his job and see how fast you stop caring about risk as much as you would in the states.

It’s the favelas in Rio man how much do you think he really gives a shit? High chance that dude was also packin heat. Gettin paid a not good salary for working in on of the most dangerous areas in the world...(If you know what the favelas there are like then you probably wouldn’t be making this comment).

Holy shit I did NOT know about that engine and to think I used to like Bethesda. Unreal 4 would have been awesome, shame that they wanted them to use a proprietary engine, too cheap to pay a few royalties to Epic I guess. Fuck yeah I notice with especially Bethesda they really like using those outdated

That’s definitely fair to say, but don’t they base the gameplay off of older (lol I mean if 1 month is old) more stable drivers? And also if it was a driver malfunction that isn’t on Bethesda that’s on Nvidia. The issues currently plaguing the game are mostly all on Bethesda for making a shitty port, the mouse

I understand that you’re explaining how it works and why it is more difficult, but I just don’t think it’s a valid reason for a AAA developer putting out a greatly anticipated game. I just don’t understand why people defend shitty game optimization. The people complaining on steam have newer i5-i7 and 970+ setups,

I keep seeing this absolute bullshit response time and time again on this and other gaming sites. How about you test for the 4 general control setups in pc using up to date hardware? It isn’t fuckin rocket science. AMD CPU+NVIDIA GPU, AMD CPU+AMD GPU, INTEL CPU+NVIDIA GPU, INTEL CPU+AMD GPU. And don’t tell me Bethesda

FPS game on PC with a controller? Who are you and how did you get a hold of a pc gaming rig? Jokes aside why would you ever take a controller over a more precise M+K setup? M+K just makes the game feel more fluid, not having to re-position an analog stick just so while fighting through controller dead spots to get to