
The pip boy was a cheap plastic piece of shit. Honestly that mask looks cool, but for me the wearable Titanfall 2 Helmet was the best loot you could grab in a game special edition.

There was a Reddit post the other day asking for anecdotes about Trump as a person, and I don’t recall reading any bad stories. The man seems genuinely nice it’s weird how you guys can’t seem to swallow that. Like the dude is actually a nice person, crazy right?

Thanks, makes sense with context. That’s a pretty specific “inside” joke lol, I figure not many people would know it even on here.

I second the other guy who said “what?”. Seriously what dude, when? Can’t find any info on it

Lmao if he didn’t crop that google search image to fit his agenda...

That S2k and the NSX are making me hard, I want both of those right now...

Funny how you say that. I’m by no means a trump supporter but he was for deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants which no other country puts up with but the US. It’s about time someone took a stronger stance on illegal immigration, it shouldn’t be easy to immigrate to a country, and all EU countries have strict immigration

Well no he called illegal immigrants felons and rapists, which isn’t what you’re saying he said. I’m not a trump supporter in the slightest but if you’re going to criticize the man at least get your quotes right.

Actually he did break the rules as someone else posted in the thread where the NFL admitted it fucked up.

I don’t think those trump supporters were intimidating anyone to be perfectly seems like that woman and her group most likely instigated the altercation by interfering with their attempts to “educate” voters or whatever they were doing. That kid seems like a decent person and well spoken, I highly doubt

That woman seems like shes lying her ass off...looking for her 2 minutes

If you don’t think she meant anything racist by it, why even try to start an argument about it then? What is the point in implying she is racist in your initial comment, just so we(she) can “learn” to not say things like that? Honestly this is getting out of hand. There is just no need to argue about something any

I’m just personally getting sick of watching anyone who makes any comment that wasn’t racist in initial intention getting absolutely butt blasted for said comment. Like if there is no racist intention why even go after her for it? In order to move past racism we must accept each other as equal human beings no? So why

Well the fact that he literally could have ended her husbands career with that one dick head play, ya know dead ball hitting the knee of a kicker, id be pretty salty too if I were her. That’s probably their sole source of income. Also, think if you grew up on a farm and your entire childhood life revolved around that

Obviously I can see how that can be interpreted that way, I’m not a walking brick. But if you can’t see how obvious it is that she meant nothing by it, I also don’t know what to tell you. Why even mention race when it’s clear from the start she wasn’t being racist? You can literally think through any statement enough

No I don’t see the problem, because it was pretty obvious she meant nothing racist by the comment. It’s only racist when people like you try to make it about race. If we remove any race it’s simply a pissed off wife defending her husband. Since when does the history of slavery come into play there? Answer is it

Or maybe because she grew up on a farm and that’s actually how they dealt with problem male animals and it has nothing to do with dealing with “uppity” black men? Like Jesus fuck people she even gives context to the statement. Alsoooo she compared him to an animal not because he’s black, but because that was a huge

Like I said to someone else explain how this is racist in the slightest? You’re literally injecting race into something that doesn’t involve race. You are everything wrong with people these days, searching for something to argue about. Please explain what exactly about what she said was racist?

Where is that coming from? She said nothing even remotely racist, yet somehow you made it about race? Lmao this fuckin website sometimes man.

Fuckkkkk I forgot how damn good this song is, now I’m in such a good mood, perfect Saturday chill listening music.