
Lil B is actually fucking trash at rapping though, by every metric we hold other rappers to. He’s just trash. He took possibly one of the greatest Clams Casino beats ever produced in ‘I’m God’ and laid down some of the worst rap I’ve ever heard. I didn’t think it was possible to sound like shit on a beat that good.

Killington is mad fun, always hitting the Devil’s Den or Outer Limits, fun stuff. The real challenges are the stuff labelled double black in the rockies though, Jackson Hole Tower 3 Chute was crazyness compared to Outer Limits.

So you think a guy who is missing his legs is going to be up late at night working on cars and revving engines through the night? That is an absolutely absurd assumption, and with no evidence that he does that I’m not sure why you would even make that comment.

Well, as long as it’s within code and he got permits, he can absolutely build it. It was all cleared by the town, and he’s not in an hoa so he’s under no contract to not build something like that. He is absolutely well within his right to build it however big it is, as long as he goes through the proper channels to do

I’m confused, those 2 old hags who spent 40k trying to fuck this guy over? I mean come on, I doubt a crippled guy is doing loud car work in the middle of the night. And who gives a fuck how big it is, it’s on his own property. I literally see no issue with this, why do people care if their neighbor has a garage like

The MOMENT my life is in any possible danger, and someone fucking shanking me is absolutely that buddy, don’t lie to yourself, I have no issue with lethal self defense. That guy with the ‘box cutter’(lmao you even pulled this out of your ass, he didn’t even say what knife it was) slashes my throat? I’m dead. You nick

Did you just compare someone saying ‘go die’ in league game chat to slavery? Are you fucking kidding me lol. Way to use false equivalence to prove a bullshit point. You need a dose of real life man, if you think this is really that big of an issue. Who the fuck cares. The guys not enslaving a race of people for

It’s just that I’m absolutely sick of people complaining about people saying ‘mean’ things to them online. Just ignore it for christ’s sake. People are so sensitive for no reason.

Lmao what? Did I say everyone should be able to merrily scream death and rape threats? Fuck you’re stupid man, don’t put words in my mouth. First of all if someone’s telling you to go die in game chat in league (you know the whole reason this guy was fined), and you seriously get upset at that, the real world is gonna

I can’t believe this is even a thing ffs. Trolling/bm has been a thing in “esports” since forever, and then all these whining kids come along and can’t take a fucking joke/troll so they report and cry to the devs about how they’re being cyber bullied. Telling someone to kill themselves in game chat in a game where

Actually if you go into console you can type cl_crosshairsize 0, which will remove your crosshair from being visible. Fun every now and then.

So what’s stopping someone from holland going across borders to buy it cheaper elsewhere, then returning to holland with the car? If anything that insane tax makes it so they make less money off of vehicle sales as far fewer people are buying cars in holland right? So weird.

Apparently you can order A/C as a free option, he pointed it out in the article briefly. Still though I agree with you on the Mono take, would rather have that than this.

Funny how this is your response, I don’t own a stanced car or plan on stancing any car I’ll ever own, and am about 350+ miles from Ocean City. Currently I’m saving up to buy a turbo for my car, and want to make my car fast not rice it out. It’s just bullshit how people who claim to be jalops then go and attack a

Except coal rolling and vaping directly effect you as a person physically. They both end up blowing obnoxious smoke in your face. These cars are just driving on the road...lmao talk about a false equivalence.

Every time I see an article about slammed cars/culture I’m always surprised at the number of pretentious dick bags in the comments. I think it’s kinda stupid as well but these kids are doing something they enjoy, they have a hobby they love. I don’t understand why people can’t just look at that as a good thing instead

True, but you also have to realize unions were desperately needed at their inception. However nowadays unions are given far too much power, many times they can end up killing off businesses all for the sake of greed, which I have seen far too many times in the tri-state area. They act more like the mob nowadays,

Of course the auto unions are spreading news of a vehicle that would keep their doors open, a vehicle that plays it safe. It’s bullshit that a union can end up controlling the eventual product of a company just by virtue of “we don’t want layoffs”. Fuck that shit, Ford needs to make a true and proper Bronco successor,

We’re pretty well prepared for heavy rain as well, we tend to get nor’easters a lot, which come with some heavy heavy rain. It was just the amount of rain and high winds with Sandy brought down tons of power lines and that’s why my power was out for so long. It wasn’t due to flooding as I’m more inland in NJ and in

I lost power for a week actually, shit was insane.