
Not even close to the same thing. It was hardly “light rain”. I lost power for a week and it was coming down crazy hard. A whole week without power. Billions of dollars in damage was caused along the coast and houses and business were destroyed. Parts of Manhattan legit flooded. A few inches of snow shutting down a

Ah okay, makes sense now. Never watched the show so definitely missed that one.

I can’t tell if you missed it or are joking...but the Warthog was a vehicle from Halo in which the Covenant are the antagonists, who OP was referencing.

Definitely seeing a little bit of warthog in there.

Tell me when a manual would ever be more convenient in a combat situation where you could be injured and still have to drive? Rediculous reasoning my friend.

Even though the girlfriend heavily disputed this fact as she claims he had been drinking water the whole night as to be responsible while driving? I think it’s bullshit the assumptions people make while knowing literally nothing about the ongoing investigation.

Any clips of that?

Salty NE fans are the worst, don’t be that guy fam, be bigger than that.

Bills up 16-0 in the 4th...I’m not even a Bills fan but its’s fun to see people proven so so wrong

Which is why I’m probably gonna stop reading all the Kinja subsidiaries, hell it’s even leaking into Jalopnik which used to mock all that political garbage. To other auto and science blogs I go!

I am “in” on the joke, I get what you were saying. It’s just annoying to open a scientific article and see politics in the comments. Bold assumption that I’m one of “them librul sjw hatin” people. In fact I am a liberal, I just think it’s absolute bullshit to bring politics into an unrelated article. Fuck off please

Is this really a comment? Why can’t he just live where he wants? Who honestly gives a shit if the man is liberal moderate or conservative, it is absolutely asinine to make this sort of a pretentious statement about moving to NorCal because of all the “conservatives” in SoCal. I mean come the fuck on man, what is the

Oh hey look an article about earthquakes which was somehow related to politics. FFS people can’t we just have nice science based discussion in the comments without all the political bs, which has no place here?

When it’s sucking warm air from the engine bay, it’s going to be much much warmer than ambient air temperatures. An engine bay is like an oven in the summer. If he’s pulling in warmer air the intercooler and turbo has to work harder to compress the air as its less dense and get the same boost pressure than in normal

Not sure if you saw my edit or not but I don’t think you understand how WAI’s work. You get LESS hp when you’re sucking warm air dude. The only possible “gains” would come from the increased airflow and that would be negated by the fact he’s pulling less dense air. And with how an intercooler works idk how much of a

You’re gonna sit there and tell me that right next to the engine there’s not going to be any generated heat, even if it’s on the tran side? I know for a fact when I pop my hood after I’ve been driving that area isn’t magically cooler than the rest of the engine bay. Also his intake pipe isn’t covered in heat

I hate people who put in an intake like this, just sucking up engine heat. I have a cold air intake in my car, an actual one which reaches down to right in front of the wheel well behind where I would have fog lights if my car had them. That’s a cold air intake, pulling from just above the ground away from the engine

I know this is a joke but SRT-4's could do 0-60 in 5.6 seconds. That’s pretty damn quick. 146 sounds attainable especially if it was modded.

So funny how this site puts out so many trump hit pieces, but doesn’t even touch all the news about Hillary committing federal crimes or president Obama delaying the release of emails until AFTER the election. Shit is sketchy as fuck, yet not one comment. I mean for fucks sake I don’t even like trump but you guys

Here’s my problem with self driving cars. How do you implement that? The used car market is huge with millions of old model cars on the road. When autonomous cars start coming out, implementation will take decades not years. You’ll have people who can’t afford new autonomous cars that still drive their old manually