
When no one responds in that manner at all, you end up just looking like a giant asshole dude. Not one person said “It’s not your fault you didn’t know”. And he even owned up to it, stating he did play a role in those deaths, as in he IS holding himself accountable. He clearly already feels guilt, there is simply no

Wow, you’re a huge asshole dude, why even write this comment...

Um what? So you’re saying my father, who started life as a carpenter at the company and worked his way up in 30 years to the position of co-president, effectively running production, managing the staff, and pricing and managing jobs, doesn’t deserve more than an hourly carpenter? Are you out of your mind lol.

I mean as a fellow Jets fan...he took us to 2 AFC championship games man. He really wasn’t that bad until after those 2 years.

The same goes for Bruce songs, I believe it was also written in with the Bon Jovi law.

Go to any college campus and at any given party in a weekend you'll find some kids rolling face. It's still a super popular drug

I'm pretty sure .24 is a lot but not fatal dosage. I mean obviously like .1 can be fatal if you're dumb and decide to drink alcohol while rolling. But by itself if you drink water .24 will just fuck you up.

Well at 11:30 the hour hand is halfway between the 11 and 12, so he was actually right. Don’t be a dickhead.

Ghosts is pretty bad...

You seem like a nice fellow, must have loads of friends. Just because they enjoy riding a motorcycle they’re wrong, even when texting and driving is against the law? You make no sense whatsoever.

Because in one instance one group of people is already being more than fairly compensated (ya know the whole reason unions exist), and the other is just trying to survive. If the business shut down all of those carpenters would be out of VERY high paying jobs. They make more than my brother who is an ENGINEER ffs. Yet

You understand how bullshit their patents are, right? They are the most vague “patents” (if you could even call them that) I’ve ever seen. 100/100 times they lose this lawsuit. Also their patents hinder innovation if anything. Tell me has BT done anything at all with that patent? They just have that vague idea in

I never thought I would see a Sherman's March to the Sea joke in jalopnik, but by god you've done it sir. COTD, COTY.

Who also happen to be acting like patent trolls...

You must not play CS, CoD, or any competitive fps where clutch plays are often made. Such as a 1v3 clutch, or bomb defusal clutch. I mean that term has been around in games and sports forever.

However when the business is paying it’s carpenters 6 figures plus overtime due to union contracts, and you want to hold off on the yearly raise otherwise the company wouldn’t turn a profit but they refuse, doesn’t it make the union seem a little greedy? When a union is about to run a business into the ground over

You’re telling me all the locals in NYC for carpenters, electricians, plumbers, etc. who make over 6 figures with absolutely amazing pensions/benefits is declining union power? Are you out of your fucking mind? I forget which union in NYC, but workers can work only 7 hours a day and get paid for the full 8. You

You must be out of your mind if you think showing the mug shots of the killers portrays a racist stereotype. It actually portrays the truth of the crime. Those guys were the murderers. What the fuck are you on about bro. You gotta be trolling or something. No one is that daft to think that, and it’s absolutely insane

The chemical brothers are awesome af

So is he just gonna ignore Michael Phelps 23 Olympic golds? I mean there's a pic of him hitting a bong lol