
Um Ray Rice and Greg Hardy are both effectively out of the NFL for the foreseeable future for domestic abuse. And what the fuck is this straw man bullshit you pulled in. You stated it was about trash talk in your initial post. That was just the tip of the iceberg is my argument. The real reason is because she abused

Or that she’s currently facing domestic abuse charges with a trial date that hasn’t been set yet? Cause she’s an awful human being? You do realize this is more likely a straw that broke the camels back scenario right? The shit talking isn’t the only factor coming into play. I’d say it’s mostly the whole “might to go

What do you mean “you remember that domestic violence ‘thing’”? It's an ongoing case with a trial date that hasn't been set yet. She could very well go to prison. I also can't believe you're down playing it. I'd bet money if it was a guy facing the same charges he would've been kicked off the team immediately.

Except she also should be in prison for domestic violence, somehow that whole thing didn't get her removed from the team. But yeah totally same thing as the guys who talk shit. No other factors coming into play here...

Firstly I agree whole heartedly with most of this comment. However, in you first paragraph you stated people *should* be afraid of driving.

As do I, along with my Wayne Chrebet and Curtis Martin jerseys. Every time I put one on it hurts a little.

You can absolutely make a video highlighting the bullshit the dprk pulls. You should watch the vice documentary on YouTube on their trip to North Korea cause they do pretty much that.

No, because if a biological male “identified” as a woman and was an Olympic or top tier amateur he would literally wipe the floor with the women he was competing against. Your tumblr crowd might not like it but men have biological advantages over women in many many physical activities. It’s why there’s male and female

She might actually be XY though that's the point. It kinda matters when one gender has a distinct and massive advantage over the other.

Wow you're a dick head.

That's absolute fucking bullshit. There should never be these laws about what you can/can't do on your OWN PRIVATE PROPERTY like this. And it's bullshit that they should have to fight these laws.

I thought everything was on an hour delay? A little quick to make this post, no?

Any source on that, or are you projecting?

Wow that RWB is surprisingly not too over the top like some of them. If only the duckbill wasn’t blue or the fender red. I think that car in all white and black would be awesome, give it a classier feel.

I highly doubt those parts would fall off. Have you watched the videos of Nakai-san hand shaping the fenders and fitting them perfectly in place?

That’s like expecting Deadspin not to name the winner of the Super Bowl or World Series or some shit. You people are the most absurd in all of sports. If you don’t want spoilers don’t go on the internet, because that’s all it is. Ffs you guys make my blood boil, how selfish that attitude is.

Maybe we could persuade criminal and pathological liar HRC too, that way we can maybe get a decent president.

All about that CSGO life

That’s strange because all the teachers from from when I went to public high school had degrees to teach their specific courses. Math focused teachers taught math. I had an ex-engineer teach me physics. I mean not to be rude but it doesn’t sound like your public school was a good one.

God I can’t see that picture anymore and not think of Mike Myers as Dr. Evil.