
I’m going for an engineering degree currently at college and both bio and physics in high school have been super useful. Also knowing those things helps to create a more informed population. With your attitude everyone would be pretty stupid in general if they only learned bare bones necessities.

You’re missing a big aspect of this whole ordeal. His main gambling website was csgoshuffle, of which he was a part owner and he failed to disclose this. There are chat logs proving that he asked, and received on many different occasions, the percentages for rolls from the sites coder, allowing him to essentially win

What are you talking about? There’s pretty damn big aftermarket support for parts. There are multiple populated forums discussing aftermarket upgrades. Did you not even try to look for this support? Every Genesis Coupe I’ve seen has had some performance work done to it, mainly turbo setups.

My god you sound like a crotchety old uninformed man. I honestly don’t enjoy Kanye because his personality sucks, but the man knows how to produce a record. He produces as well as writes and performs his raps, and sells millions. He is talented as well as successful. The same can go for Taylor Swift (sometimes). I

Nah dawg, Taylor Swift is a lyin cunt and she finally got caught out. She’s pissed about “character assassination” when “that bitch” wrote a fucking 6 minute song directed at John Mayer lmao.

Just wondering here but what fucking proof is there that they were both in California. The only “proof” in that bullshit TMZ link was someone saying they were in California lmao. Also they are in a studio, and that man on the couch? Rick Rubin. Where is Rubin’s studio located? Bingo, NYC, which is in a one party

Seem to be forgetting about the Genesis Coupe there buddy.

Like another commenter pointed out, this may very well have been a false flag operation, at the risk of sounding like I’m putting on my tinfoil hat. Erdogan has been attempting to transform turkey into a radical Islamic state for some time now. This “failed coup” would give him the ability to “cleanse” the military of

The interesting thing about this is the possible implications from betting and gambling bans. That was a huge draw for audiences with sites like csgo lounge to bet on matches. Now with the ban it will remove a large portion of the audience who enjoys betting on sports/esports which makes watching games exciting for

Interesting that you took to an insult straight away my man. This is a non news story and you know it. Attempting to drum up controversy over nothing. They simply moved it to the “prime time” slot instead of having it live. I don't understand what the big deal is about this anyways, there are plenty of sites online

Also there’s this quote as well: “It’s worth pointing out here that NBC hasn’t aired the opening ceremony of a Summer Olympics live since 1996.” It’s almost as if the headline is attempting to drum up something about them not airing it live, when it hasn’t been aired live in 20 fucking years lol. How is this non news

Man you always seem to live up to your name whenever I see your comments. It’s almost as if you don’t understand the concept of “fun”. Drifting on tracks can be cool and fun to watch and participate in.

“Walked past a somewhat visibly disturbed white woman.” My god the amount of assumptions that went through your head to produce this sentence and assumed she was disturbed. And even if she was if it due to you or some outside factor. I mean come the fuck on dude.

I think he means the physical steel bumper behind that foam/plastic combo.

Oh my fucking god. That 200sx is legit as fuck. The engine bay....I can’t tell what’s in there and I really wanna know. I see the turbo in the right side, but is that twin turbo’d? Seems awfully crowded.

No, but not attempting to understand the universe we live in is ignorant and lazy. We might still live in caves if we always just give up that easily on science

Did you proofread your own title man?....I mean c’mon...

This guy just pretty much nailed what I was thinking.

Witcher 3 combat was really well done, and every review as well as my own playthroughs have just reinforced the fact that CDPR knows how to make well designed gameplay elements

It would be boring as shit, doing everyday boring grunt work of a soldier then going home and being disappointed that this is what your life has come to, work then food then sleep, rinse repeat. Shit dude I get enough of that in my normal everyday life, I’d rather play a fantasy game to, ya know, escape to a fantasy