
Pretty sure they are actually going to stop making them. The next game they are working on I believe is Cyberpunk 2077, a very different game from Witcher tonally.

And I think he just jinxed it

So after a late night of drinking there is a he said she said story with no conclusive evidence pointing one way or another and you write an article that essentially assumes guilt? Isn't that like the opposite of the american justice system. Innocent until proven guilty?

Just looked it up, there is a minimum age TO SMOKE in only 23 states. And New York is not one of them. Took about 2 minutes of “research” to figure that one out chief. There is a minimum age to purchase but no law on age to actually smoke.

Harsh is debatable in a death penalty state, where her other options were most likely much worse. And then you have to think, does she deserve a glorious life in the end? Does someone who deprived a young man of a long life deserve to live a good life herself?

When you bring a gun and plan an armed robbery you can’t claim it suddenly wasn’t premeditated and it “went wrong”. By bringing a gun don’t you kind of assume responsibility for ya know murdering someone. The judge just can’t believe that “oh she didn’t mean it” considering she did in fact kill him and is attempting

It was very clearly a Watergate reference and you guys trying to twist it is absolutely absurd. It is also absurd that Zoe believes a bunch of Japanese game devs would target her and reference gamergate, as I’m pretty sure they literally give 0 shits about her and that whole situation. Her comment strikes me as tone

It was very clearly a Watergate reference and you guys trying to twist it is absolutely absurd. It is also absurd that Zoe believes a bunch of Japanese game devs would target her and reference gamergate, as I’m pretty sure they literally give 0 shits about her and that whole situation. Her comment strikes me as tone

What is over-simplified about cold blooded robbery and murder? Please explain because I have no idea what is “complex” about that. Pretty straightforward if you ask me. This “girl” knowingly took a life.

So is Daniel Zeitz’s life. And she is 18 not 16. And she murdered someone in cold blood for a goddamn gaming console. How are you sympathizing with a murderer because she got what she deserved?

“Yes, it’s tragic someone died here” No. Someone was murdered in cold blood. It is anything but tragic and you saying that in that particular way undermines the value of that young man’s life. I believe your view on justice is the wrong one here my friend.

...she murdered someone dude. I think it’s just about steep enough. If anything it’s too lenient. She took a 28 year olds’ life. She will have more of a life even after prison than she gave Daniel Zeitz, and you think she is getting too much time? Jesus man...

Something tells me you didn’t play a lot of the stuff that had playable demos big name title wise. A lot of indie/smaller scale games on this list when I’m sure there were also more impressive AAA games...

“Cohen replied with a litany of health issues he suffered after the beer-pong incident (a doctor, he claimed, recommended that he check his stool for blood to monitor for any internal bleeding). “This was an extremely trying experience,”...”

I think there's a certain plateau with games though. My gtx 970 is almost 2 years old and it still runs games at 1080 ultra 60 fps. I plan on having it run at least medium for 2-3 more years and I bet it will.

Except you don’t need the latest and greatest graphics cards to play the newer games. A 6 year old card can most likely run today’s games on low/medium and the advanced stuff turned down. With consoles when they stop making games for a system you’re forced to upgrade.

Apparently the car was in neutral and I’m gonna assume it rolled down his driveway and pinned him against the brick mailbox, killing him.

So many new wallpapers, I’m in heaven right now <3

Pretty childish move by Steph, but I gotta admit that was a bullshit foul call if I’ve ever seen one

Auto show press days are “strictly” 18+ and you usually need to present ID, especially if you are a teenager and look young. However small children like those in this video with parents are allowed in. Also this is nothing like kids at a nightclub. You don’t see people basically fucking on a dance floor while drinking