
“Like I responded to someone else, when parents who run/work at these game corporations or display houses who build the exhibits have kids who like this stuff, they most likely get passes for them. It isn’t very hard to get some extra named passes for people if you are decently high up attending these shows. My dad

Like I responded to someone else, when parents who run/work at these game corporations or display houses who build the exhibits have kids who like this stuff, they most likely get passes for them. It isn’t very hard to get some extra named passes for people if you are decently high up attending these shows. My dad

When parents who run/work at these game corporations or display houses who build the exhibits have kids who like this stuff, they most likely get passes for them. It isn’t very hard to get some extra named passes for people if you are decently high up attending these shows. My dad runs a display house and I get passes

It is just simply absurd to even question the creator in the first place about such a non issue. You may call me a “dumb observer” but it’s the truth. He wouldn’t have even made this statement if not for people badgering him about this. Why do so many people suddenly require a narrative that fits both genders? Why

Lmao what? Please explain then cause that was literally what the written story was.

I do in fact understand the story. It is about sketchy trailer placement from ESA who runs E3, possibly to block eyes from the devolver setup outside of the show. In turn devolver put up the balloon. I just don’t understand why they just get a 10x10 or something at E3, I meant christ if you want to advertise

I think Devolver is just too cheap, not that floor space is too expensive. Literally every major expo charges a decent sum of money per square foot for vendors. Auto shows, E3, CES. All semi-expensive, and all companies pay the prices, except Devolver lmao. They also would just rent out cheap Airstreams and demo games

Yeah but you also realize those trucks are empty right? They don’t just unload some of the shit inside, they put all the shit that’s in the trailers, inside the hall. Then park these outside. Convention centers have huge loading docks that the trucks are offloaded at. This is just a storage space for the trailers

This shit is getting fucking absurd. It’s their creative property and they have a right to use it how they want. You don’t read a book or watch a movie with alternate male/female leads, because that is fucking stupid. The creator wants to portray a certain vision and part of his vision is having a male lead, and

This comment section is fucking absurd. It’s their creative property and they have a right to use it how they want. You don’t read a book or watch a movie with alternate male/female leads, because that is fucking stupid. The creator wants to portray a certain vision and part of his vision is having a male lead, and

I’m dying, COTD for sure

I don’t think you understand the point of his comment. The police did not have to engage the PIT maneuver on a busy highway. They had a helicopter on the guy and the officers could have kept a safe distance and followed him. No need to place every other motorist on the highway in danger

This car, the Chevy Tahoe, and the Escalade literally look like the same exact car now. What the fuck GM, actually make an effort in design instead of copy pasting a design for 3 (three!) different cars under different brands.

Wait so you post something you know will get a response but have no questions or comments about my rebuttal? Why even post the initial comment if not to spark discussion?

Besides reviving a 6 month old comment. Your comment is unbelievably uninformed. How much counter strike do you play? My guess is almost none. How much pro cs do you watch? Again most likely almost none. The reason I made that post was pretty obvious. He chose to interview a, at the time, tier 2/backup caster who was

Really hope this is a joke lol

You severely misunderstood the point the man was making...

Even though this map came out before Overwatch and was made in early 2015? Yeah man it totally ripped off Overwatch lmao...

After reading all of your replies I’m pretty confident that you’re a sociopath, and you should get that checked out. You keep saying the same shit over and over again about how they were both equally wrong. Dude just stop. Attempted murder is about 1,000,000 levels higher than driving slowly on purpose. Yeah the zx

Apparently it’s real according to many news sites from the area down there, and it’s somewhat of a local legend. Seems like you might be wrong as snopes even says it’s not a fake. Checkmate barry.