Aurelius Robles

You just legit gave me goosebumps.

Totally. I really feel like we’re going to wind up with a bunch of badass Queens ruling all the various kingdoms.

Ohio is like landlocked Florida; it isn’t an accident that Gummo is set in Ohio. Mrs. Compiler believes that Gummo is essentially a documentary, and I can’t really argue the point.

Yep, you’re right. In my defense, the whole thing was a fiery, smokey mess.

Or a warm, knitted blanket?


So... You’re upset with their vague episode descriptions, and when they don’t give you any more vague episode descriptions, you become upset. Well done!

Simmer down and have some patience, entitled millennial.

considering you’re angry enough to give them the free press of an update, I think they did a pretty good job of accomplishing their goal. To be honest, they really don’t have to say anything about the episode. We’d all watch if it the synopsis were “man sticks finger up butt of another man,” which in fairness,

I’m not sure about what comes between points A and B but, yeah, I think this ends with Dany being all, “I haz your ships, losers!”

Now this is an interesting theory. But then where would Yara Grayjoy come into play? I have been seriously looking forward to a meeting between Dany and Yara. I think they’d like and respect one another and jump at the chance to ally with another woman for once. Re: the Masters - my hope/theory is that we’d finally

To be fair, her biggest audience is on yahoo. The commentariat on those “I’m too lazy/stupid to change my main webpage” have got the most ignorant, jackass opinions. If you’ve honestly never seen an adult seriously support Donald Trump, you get an hourly chance at yahoo and msn.

Want to star you lots. Pope, indeed!

I would be both horrified and impressed if they got Lis Sladen back.

My daughter is almost 9 and she legit thinks that women are not allowed to be president because that must be why we haven’t had one by now. I’m going to let her stay up late tonight and watch.

She also once asked me who the first black president was. I said, Barack Obama, and she said “I know he is one of them, but

I don’t mind it. If we are really talking about ableism and/or portrayals of disabilities in the media then it behooves us not to cross out certain genres. Especially given how sci-fi is usually ahead (or behind see Avatar) the curve when it comes to character treatments.

Why is this still lingering in the greys?

Well they did find his favorite sock.

They also protect againt stds so they are more than a contraceptive.