Aurelius Robles

I’m still in the greys so I never know how well my links will post, but here’s a speech, filled with passion and fury, that Elizabeth Warren gave on the Senate floor last year. It will knock your socks off. It explains, far better than I ever could, the answer to your question.

“I’m definitely against all bans, because I know these are just steps towards banning abortion entirely”

I know two women who had late-term abortions as teenagers. One was in such strong denial about being pregnant that she waited until she was showing, at least 5 months, to do anything about it. The other planned to have and keep the baby, thinking she would have more family support than many teen mothers do. But then

Usually, although in Texas, so many clinics have closed thanks to idiotic new laws, it’s taking at least month to get an appointment for an abortion. So a lot more second trimester abortions are happening here than did before.

Generally speaking, yes. The 20-week ultrasound is when testing for a bunch of genetic anomalies occurs.


God, tell me about it! I remember trying on bridesmaids dresses for a family wedding as a barely 20 year old and feeling SO inappropriate because of my breast size...I remember the comments from my own family about it...

hope she got her membership fee back.

People are always trying to police my tits. YOU CANT HOLD THESE TITS DOWN!

MAYYYBBEEE I’m just being bitchy today but this seems more like a humblebrag than an actual thing that happened.

This is just incredibly depressing. I think that’s enough for today.

I tried to tell my SO your comment, thinking it was totally funny. He corrected my pronunciation (hey, with the YEARS of French I’ve taken, anything with two E’s on the end, I automatically pronounce a la francais, as in “manatay”. It’s just habit.

And in the meantime, going on such an adventure (to find said shark) would probably make you so happy and excited about life that you’d no longer wish to commit suicide. So win-win!

Me too just so happy that they’re not being torn apart by boat propellers they’re too dumb to get away from.

It’s Beyonce isn’t it.

I drive trains, and I can tell you that you NEVER get over this.

...and the poor conductor.

But somebody would have to find that too! A neighbor or family member, etc. And somebody has to clean that shit up. That’s so horrible. I always think why don’t they go down to the Everglades and do it down there. Once you’re gone an alligator will eat you so the alligator is happy and nobody has to suddenly come