Aurelius Robles

Could I get two pumps of lies or is that going to cost extra? Can you make sure it’s almond-lies, I’m liestose intolerant.

She is totally, shamelessly flaunting her woman card.

No mention of Tyrion and his dragon whispering?

The Shroud of Turin is a spiritual mystery, one of those pieces of religious significance that supposedly provides

Cat’s are clearly the villians here so I’m going with:

I’ve got cats, I can confirm that this is true.

...said the cat.

“That hasn’t happened in quite some time,” Ginsburg responded

Glad I’m not the only one who thought this.


I honestly LOVE THIS and I hope this is what she does. Optics, perspectives, etc would be glorious

1000% muslim secretary of state. please, baby jesus, PLEASE!!!!!

Trudeau levels of diversity or bust!

Hah! Honkey grandma be trippin’!

All muslim or arabic. Can you imagine the tears??

Well it had a good run.

Never give up, never surrender!

And with attitudes like that, they’re really in a position to make it big!