Don’t have sex with a book.
Don’t have sex with a book.
Things that will make a woman not want to sleep with you:
Asking them to watch you take shower.
i bet it rhymes with schmarvey feinstein
Come on. We all know it’s Harvey Weinstein. It’s always Harvey Weinstein.
I’ve been eventually dumped or rejected or made to feel like shit in some capacity by almost every dude I’ve ever fucked or wanted to fuck and yet somehow I’ve managed to never mass murder
she also pointed out that the rewrite was quick and easy
Oh good, more shit I can safely not pay any attention to.
My reasoning is not ridiculous. Apparently I have not made myself clear so let me do so.
We need to be of sterner stuff. I don’t want anybody to ever scroll past this. The problem isn’t Emmett Till’s picture. It’s the lack of others’ pictures (Sandy Hook). Images get things done because there are no abstractions.
I think no trigger warning is needed because this picture shows the reality of how race relations have been dealt with and the consequences of racism
I didn’t say all. If the statement doesn’t fit you, then shut up because it’s not meant for you.
I’m female, fyi.
Emmett Till’s mother asked for those photos to be taken so the world could know what happened to her child. This goes beyond white people being “titillated” by dead black bodies. This is about remembering. This image was on the cover of magazines at a time when the men who did this could literally get away with…
The things that White women/girls get away with are astounding. No wonder White women are so entitled and oblivious yet they have the gall to complain about sexism but have no problem dishing out racism.
Could have been worse. Remember the last black kid disciplined for looking at a white girl?
You are still on thin ice, my friend. THIN ICE.
From Minnesota. Moving to Oregon in a few days though.