Aurelius Robles

I look forward to reading her follow up, He Had It Coming (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Kill Scalia).

Just goes to show; use Snapchat and all you’ll get is pictures of dicks.

And then you ate him. How many Mister Cannibal Sharks’ cartilaginous bones currently litter the floor of your ocean home?

The key is to not give up when things get tough. Waaaaay too many people make that mistake. Humans aren’t perfect. We will fuck up from time to time, sometimes majorly. But as long as we are always at least willing to become better and take steps in that direction, sticking with it is good.

The thing is, I wouldn’t even get a reply usually.

Sounds like a winner to me.

That still almost never works. It’s better than focusing on looks, but it’s a lottery. You either succeed or you don’t.

My fiancée messaged me first on OKC. So, yup.

I can only imagine the retort would be “Twinkie sucker.”

I must have looked up the wrong Story of O, because that...was nothing like Doctor Who.

Stick polishers.

He and I have a lot in common too. We both like...never mind.

He can kiss my Thin Mint-munching ass.

Come on Midler, you’re Bette-r than this. Don’t stoop to her level.

Wow. I am not even going to touch that one.

Nope, “post night.” Like post-partum.

To be fair, who wouldn’t want to sleep inside a giant furry va—

Sweden usually is too.

But only if you can afjord it!

Yeah the mom just has to give Jong-un postis noctis.