“I said be right back.”
There’s something I can say: he’s a fucking moron.
It’s great to see Nixon finally getting some love.
Pro tip: when one is a man, it may not be the wisest choice to tell women on a feminist site how to vote.
Apparently you can have either money or taste, but not both.
“I love women! Especially their sandwich-making abilities!”
Well, I am engaged, and my fiancée is married and has a girlfriend, so technically you still could :-)
None, at the moment. It was a joke for the joke’s sake :-)
I cook because if I don't, my wives will castrate me.
Better than Flossie Asse.
Does Flossie eat male sharks too? Or another male animal?
She had that look that says the only one she wants to party with is death. At 110, I would too.
Give it time.
It’s Ashley’s fault, not ours. :-D
Both of them. They are obviously obnox- free spirits.
Can I wear a condom with the goat? The last thing I want is goat gonorrhea. It’s worse than sheep syphilis, though not quite as bad as horse herpes. It’s about on par with cow chlamydia.
Those sprinkles can be a real b—-h.
Oh I wasn't referring to you. It was indirect shade ;-)
I think if one is sufficiently old, everyone below a certain age looks 13.