
I said that today to a friend in conversation—which, personally, is why I think “serious” superhero stories (this includes the Nolan movies) is a dead end or at least one of diminishing returns since they so often fight the fantastic piece of the genre. And by fantastic I mean everything from powers to the high

Incels?!? Really... we’re still talking about that crap. I live minutes from the location of the Toronto incel terrorist attack, I walk by it every day, I was there and saw the van an hour after it happened... I know a thing or two about Incels. Nothing in this movie had anything to do with Incels. It is about a very

No. The difference here is that there are
1. Statutes that dicatate how physical spaces must conform to the ADA
2. You are trying to pretend that the internet is a public accomodation for which the ADA applies, when in fact it is
a. Been deternined by 3 different circuit courts to not be a public accomatation
b. you know

No, that would be the equivalent of telling people who cannot walk that stores don’t have to put in ramps and other accessibility aids because those people could also use the phone or internet to purchase goods & services.

Interesting. While I am all for accesability, I can’t say I would find against Domino’s. The internet as it sits today is largely visual. We are dealing with mostly pictures for links. There are plenty of audio only formats that deaf people do not have access to. It’s life. Domino’s provides telephone or walk in

The guy is a hero for standing up for what he believes in, in the face of an oppressive government.  The fact that he beats up Tai Chi dorks is icing on the cake.

Oh, they’ve seen women before, just not as human beings.

Yeah, this has a distinctly non-consensual feel to it. She is literally there as a requirement of her job. Kudos to her (i guess?) for being a good sport about it but it feels real yucky to watch the video of enormous men wearing face covering goggles drenching a single, totally unprotected woman with alcohol.

It’s absolutely degrading behavior. Teenager mob mentality.

Kinda feels like they’ve never seen a woman before. 

Wait, you’re wondering if a news outlet would use the word “millennial” in a story about a young person? Are you familiar with news outlets?

I don’t think it is cool, I just think that the following generations have realized, on the whole, that boomers are a fucking plague akin to locusts, who have demonstrated time and again that it is all about them getting theirs and fuck everyone else.

“Florida Boomer” really frames the story by conveying the proper mix of “get off my lawn!” and “divorced guy energy” to motivate someone to endanger the lives of innocents because of a trivial annoyance. 

the easiest way to make a boomer angry is to accurately describe their behavior

The Boomers hated on their parents. Called them squares and said they didn’t get it. So now, it’s what goes around, comes around. Circle of life and whatnot.

Makes sense. It sucks that change takes so long, but hopefully this leads to systematic, nation-wide change for all student-athletes. 

How did you manage to get “both sides” and “have you seen how the bitches pass them by” from a comment that pointed out that it sucked that there were actual reasons to be afraid?

You don’t think there are multiple factions going overboard right now about a movie only a handful of people have actually saw? The incel morons who could take this the wrong way and the pearl-clutching media who seems to almost want some violent incident to take place to justify their panic both have made decisions

Dude its pointless trying to ascribe reason to people commenting on here. They are so desperate for a boogeyman. Just let them shout into their echo chamber.