
I did play through it, and saw none of that. Every bit of text thrown at you regarding the plot in NMS, after interacting with an artifact, was shrouded in the kind of intentional vagueness that you see when you’re writing a draft, but decide to submit it as the final paper anyway.

I think you misunderstood. This guy threatening your life is actually a sincere cry out for a discussion about ethics in gaming journalism.

I think The Phantom Menace might be my favorite of the prequels simply because of two reasons: 1) Liam Neeson is injects a lot of heart into every line he delivers, giving a lot more personality and soul to that movie, and 2) There’s a lot more practical locations and effects than the other two prequels. They go to a

Less incentive to farm is a good thing! Why would you want to grind daily/weekly heroics every week? Hopefully Bungie takes advantage of the quest system and uses it to keep adding new stuff so there are always cool things to do and there’s zero reason to do any repetitive grinding.

Agreed. The Bane remix is outstanding.

*via Auralnauts

Give credit where credit is due. These guys are doing some funny shit.