
A new Bae has come.

A) Good on him for having some awareness of it.

Seth Woken

They’re just a mess of contradictions. First, they call women sluts for having sex, but all they want women to do is pop out babbies! Then they stop women from getting abortions/birth control but then accuse them of being welfare queens when they give birth!

It’s just the way of conservatives acting like a fetus, which is a clump of cells with no idea of its existence, is the same thing as a woman. Whether that be a teenaged woman or a 46 year old. The fact that there are people fighting for the rights of a cluster of cells that resembles a human, but can’t accept that a

It’s really important that Democrat voters also get out in number and vote in their state and local elections, not just for the presidency. It’s these state elections that have the most consequence for these stupid TRAP and woman-punishing laws.

This is the world republicans envision. A return to the days before Roe v. Wade. They can’t make that happen directly just yet, so they edge around the corners with the explicit purpose of difficulty, harassment and humiliation. If they could pass a law requiring women seeking an abortion to leap through two purple

I have very limited knowledge of fetuses/pregnancy, so does anybody know how much painkiller passes through to the fetus via the placenta? And how fast? Also how do you measure painkiller efficacy in fetuses? Isn’t it already hard enough to do with adult humans? HOW DOES THIS WORK

I think I would take any kind of body type as long as he’s a good dancer. Channing Tatum set the bar too high for the supporting dudes - they look good, but most of them couldn’t even really move.

If their tagline isn’t “Rock hard at the Hard Rock” or similar, fire the publicist.

I liked the first one very much, but not the second. :/

Bye y’all

Are there going to be any guys that don’t have huge, rippling muscles? Good for them for taking care of themselves, but I generally enjoy the scrawny variety myself. And I’m sure there are plenty of patrons who would appreciate some thicker boys as well. If it’s about body positivity, then there should be more than

This may be a contested opinion

I’m there!

i want to do the survey that the show is asking for at but it asks for too much personal info from me.


“When I was a teenager I was super awkward. I don’t think I really felt comfortable in my body or with how I looked and people were nasty,” she said.

yeah. i’ve detoxed before. it’s not a cute or fun thing that anyone should want to do