

Sounds like they’re the Susan G. Komen of Autism awareness. :-/

Yaaas! I’m still waiting too.

TMZ continues to be the only outlet reporting an OD. I really hope this “story” turns out to be false, and is what brings them down for good.

My heart aches for Kesha. 😟

Ah, that explains Dave Grohl’s red cup.

I KNEW I saw a stumble! Not a fan (pls don’t kill me) but she’s a great performer. And I’ll be damned if that wasn’t a great recovery.

Who? x4

And now I’ve got “Is this love/that I’m feeling /is this the love/that I’ve been searching foooooor?”

Jareth was my first crush, but it wasn’t the bulge that did it for me. I think it was a combination of the accent and the eyebrows.

I’m happy for her and that’s pretty cool but... she was not good. This season was visually stunning and she only added to that, but the story and acting were subpar to say the least.

I got Purity, Trixie, Ziv, and Willa. Gotta start with the basics. ☺

Gah thank you! Just got 4 amazing shades!

I had to Urban Dictionary it. 😕

SHE SAID “MY BOYS”. This furthers the theory that Trig is hers! (clearly I’m faaaaaarrrrr too invested in all this.)

Oh my god, stop it you guys. I turned 38 today and I’ve been saying “get off my lawn” all day. I DON’T EVEN HAVE A LAWN.

Kylie, you won’t do *what* anymore?

Logically I know where the Badlands are, but I just assumed “Into the Badlands” takes place in the South. They live on what appear to be plantations, and Quinn’s accent sealed the deal for me.

Pensatucky is actually from Virginia. The term “Pennsyltucky” though refers to parts of PA (usually north or west) that have seemingly backwoods ideals and accents.

Jon Snow knows nothing, but he’s rooting for the bear.