As you should be!
As you should be!
I recently lost a family member to cancer, and in the months before his death, well meaning hippie type friends repeatedly told him that essential oils and detox could "cure his cancer". Worse, one egregious idiot suggested that "not detoxing enough" was possibly why he got cancer in the first place. She then offered…
"since some religions are not misogynist"
The key is actually "always turn YouTube comments OFF".
Pffft. Amateurs.
That "little bit of red" is the signature lacquered red sole of Christian Louboutin shoes -…
I drove my Jag three and a half years with the check engine light on. It was my little red glowing companion.
Oh sugar pie, you know the answer to this already. You KNOW it. Please start valuing yourself above this man. Love yourself more than you love him. You are deserving of it.
As a sexworker, I know SO many other sw's who have been raped or assaulted. No one reports it. Why bother? Everyone knows what would happen if you do - and if it went to court? Omfg, I can't even.
That is awesome.
With "God's work" essentially being code for "Rob Ford's Sweaty Balls" (which is totally my next burner name).
We're just sort of down here in the greys, having our own private, weird as fuck little conversation.
Oh dear, I just discovered that there are some fetishes even *I* don't want to think about - and huffing Rob Ford's cheesy nut sack stink is right up there on top of the list.
Retirement from sexwork is sometimes boring, but when I feel nostalgic, I just think of the smell that must waft off of RF's sweaty ball sack, and suddenly boredom seems like a dream come true (or "cum",if you prefer).
Sweaty d-bags like him always think they're the undisputed kings of pussy eating. Fake moaning your way into a tip after one of those sessions is God damned Oscar worthy, let me tell you.
You and me both, but mainly I'd be feeling deep waves of pity for the poor, vastly underpaid sex worker he's grunting and sweating on top of.
Not to mention the sex tape rumours about RF, which eeww.
Maybe if she'd been shooting champagne out of her vag.
The only true sea kitty. Everything else is just porpoiseless.