
Wasn't that the entire premise of "Lost"?

That video - now I'm sick, too. Was this some sort of digital Ebola?

I'd have been ok with it either way...

If I had the time, I'd elaborate on the rather elderly client who quite literally had a stroke mid coitus. Since we are Canadian, his son phoned me a few days later to ensure his father was (ahem) paid up, so to speak.

I am happy about that. I do have one other dad story, but it involves an (at the time) current girlfriend and HER step dad. Hilarity did not ensue, although in retrospect ...

I went on an outcall once, and the client was my ex's dad. So.... That was weird. I ran into him about a month later, and had to resist the urge to blurt out, "so your dad's really doing well since his heart surgery, huh?"