Aunty Meredith's Nephew

Prisoner Of Society - The Living End. An excellent way for a 15yo to develop an anti-authoriatian streak.

Same in Australia. I couldn't identify a Dave Matthews Band song if it walked up to me and introduced itself.

I was so looking forward to hitting up Bartronica when I was in town this week, only to find that they're closed Monday. Sadface.

Followed by the attempt to finish the level with almost no health while blokes in yellow tracksuits rush you. Good times.

I bounced hard off Rogue Squadron for exactly this reason. Was expecting something closer to TIE Fighter.

You've reminded me that I really need to sit down and finish Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies before my clunky old iPad finally gives up the ghost.

"Theaters everywhere February 10*"

Whipping through the campaigns. Have knocked off the Allied missions, about to start on the Soviets. Judging by the cutscenes alone they appear to have gone off the deep end.

I've decided recently it's time to make a dint in this ridiculous retro backlog that i've been carrying around for years, like a box that you drag along whenever you move house without actually ever unpacking.

I was never really prone to fits of rage as a young'un, but geez did I come close to snapping a controller on that level.

I do recall pulling that move back in the day, when I unilaterally decided we were swapping Stunt Race FX for Super Metriod.

Is that the one with the P-balloons and the Charging Chucks flinging baseballs across the map? That was a deeply unpleasant level.

Mr Canton and Lady Rose was the movie that made me fall in love with Jackie Chan.

I do remember flicking over to SBS quite regularly as a young'un to see if they were playing anything that I might find relevant. SBS: piquing the interest of teenagers since 1995.

Same. Sunk a heap of time into it and thoroughly enjoyed myself, before being distracted by a shiny thing and wandering off.

And town planning.

Tu Plang, bu Regurgitator. Car singalongs are fun when everyone knows the words to I Sucked A Lot Of Cock To Get Where I Am. (Bonus points for Blubber Boy).

The best part about Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) is the fact that it spawned John Safran's Not The Sunscreen Song.

Ah, No Mercy. That game was the business.

1996 was very much my musical awakening, thanks mostly to Triple J starting to broadcast in my regional town. I fully realise that I have very much engaged The Nostalgia Filter, but there were so many great albums from 1996.