
Here in Philly, SEPTA uses that many pumps to remove all the urine.

@113Doctor: This was the first computer I ever bought and I loved it. I've since given it to my aunt for her web surfing and photo viewing, but 8 years later it's still chugging along.

@Curves: I used it once. I re-tiled my basement which has a fireplace hearth in the corner that's a quarter circle. I calculated the area of the room and subtracted 1/4 of the area of circle (pi*r squared). Saved $1,000 from hiring a contractor.

@jestamcmerv: Thanks. I never really knew the difference and I always wondered.

A few years ago I was camping at the Grand Canyon where they have crows the size of cocker spaniels. They were huge and terrifying. The people next to us were feeding them which resulted in hundreds of these monstrosities swarming around us. When our neighbors stopped with the food, the crows landed in a

@Lauren Shaw: One more stick in the picture from the article and they've got chopsticks.

@crazypills77: I want to get one, but $500 is just a tad too steep. Drop it $100 and I'm there. I imagine there are thousands (millions?) more like me.

@Yinzers Are People Too: I read it in Time magazine - good old paper edition. Looks like you need a subscription to read the online version.

I just read that when the rescue shaft finally reaches them, it will take 2 hours for each miner to reach the surface. They will be blindfolded and possibly sedated in a cage little wider than their bodies, and it will take about 3 days to get them all out.

I've been thinking about getting an iPad for my whole family to enjoy, but my ipod touch was ruined by a drop of water in the connector port. Kids love spilling things so I have been hesitant in making the investment, but it looks like this covers that vulnerability nicely - another plus to your description.

Shouldn't the ghosts' eyes float back to the center after they are eaten? And where's the fruit?

The sound it makes upon impact sounds so cartoonishly fake it's probably real.

I prefer beer in my belly.

I work from home 2 days a week, and not consecutively. I find it's the perfect balance for me. It's enough that I get to see my family more, but not so much that I still appreciate it.

@fu3lman: I think he was fired during production, but it got him thinking about using 3D in his career.

@McMike: Can't...Stop...Laughing

@NotSure2010: How is willfully giving away part of your bounty to the underprivileged forced redistribution of wealth?

My entire wedding cost $15,000

@alougher001: Amazing. It looks like a painting.