
At best, the libertarians I know who applied any sort of ideological consistency just didn’t give a fuck about social issues because they did not directly effect them (they were pro in the sense that they weren’t anti). They did nothing to directly support any of those causes or give the impression they were

Nor did they give a shit that Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American woman.

I tldr her instagram post but is she basically calling Alexa “the fat one” because she is a small instead of an extra small? Jesus, Christie.

The people who want it both ways are usually very comfortable with the idea of having welfare recipients and inmates in correctional facilities working for pennies an hour. Forced labor is apparently a-ok and the American way as long as you are in prison or a welfare queen driving a Cadillac.

I used to work for a state wide restaurant association. As backwards and conservative as most of the members and the board of directors were they did acknowledge that their businesses and industry would go under if they didn’t have immigrants in their workforce and lobbied accordingly.

I’m early 30s. “ok” means “ok” or “yes.” “K” means “Alright, whatever, I’m bored now” and “K.” means “Shut the fuck up.”

I like ripping band-aids off and jumping straight into the pool to get over the temperature shock so I am leaning towards “lets just get this shit over with” so we can heal sooner rather than later. People are already being hurt and I want to watch him fall.

Dammit, your comment made me look into Checkers and now I am feeling sympathetic to Nixon. He kept dog biscuits at his desk and he liked to watch the puppies play on the lawn at dinner time. Trump wouldn’t keep the company of any animal unless it was already stuffed and gold leafed.

My father is a narcissist and focuses only on the past, namely building up his abusive dead father into a saint. He gets along with his step-grandchildren because they are too little to realize he isn’t the best, most super awesome grandpa. He gets along with his step-children because their father was a deadbeat who

Remember when they lost their minds when Obama even said he believed in American exceptionalism but in the same way that Brits would believe in British exceptionalism and Greeks would believe in Greek exceptionalism? He was all “Rah rah, ‘Merica is awesome, however other countries think they are awesome too” and he

I think Trump really is that monumentally stupid. And I think Putin is laughing that he doesn’t even need to be sneaky anymore.

Republicans have run an amazing ground game: Working within states at the municipal level to groom and cultivate Republicans from the schoolboard to the state legislature, to the governorship, to the Congress, to the Senate and to the presidency.

And those outfits were usually conservative, polished and kind of preppy. She also didn’t get to participate in the time honored tradition of wearing terrible eye makeup and mismatched foundation at 14 so she has some things to get out of her system before she finds her footing.

I don’t care for it either, but I like to think this is her rebelling against how polished and put together her mom made her dress growing up. It looks like she rolled out of bed and put on whatever she found in the clean laundry pile, which is coincidentally how I chose my work outfit yesterday, so I really can’t act

This is the most “my dad would do that” thing I have ever heard ever since I became convinced that Trump has NPD like my father. My dad once gave a eulogy for one of his friends and spent 95% of the time talking about himself and his brush with breast cancer*.

I think that is what bothers me the most. She is labeled as a loser and the worst candidate when she was running next to him.

I would only be willing to watch if the debate ended in an old fashioned duel or knife fight.

Speaking as someone whose father was employed by the federal government and a move every 18 months was necessary for his career advancement, I am not willing to give an inch on this. Yes it sucks. Yes, parents would want their kids to have it easier. Obviously, being the kid of the POTUS is going to have unique