
“I have a question for the Trump Administration: Why are you allowing dangerous criminals easy access to weapons?”


Should have taken a left turn at Albuquerque. Maybe then you wouldn’t have ended up with your head up your own ass.

Many people are mad about Michigan J. Frog’s place on this list. I see it as the Road Runner thing: The famous cartoon with Michigan J. Frog in it is one of the funniest Looney Tunes shorts ever made, but the frog himself isn’t actually all that funny or dynamic. Pretty much all the hilarity comes from the reaction

I would be fine banning people for having a “Porky Pig is lame” take.

American here, so I feel I am better positioned to analyze the idiocy going on down here than you are.  It’s not really an “American Dream” or “temporarily embarrassed millionaires” thing, at least not literally.  The vast majority of MAGA hat wearers who vote against their own interest (and whose families probably

Not to mention the big orange shit himself. 

I hate the myth of rugged individualism because it makes people selfish and think people who are struggling are not trying hard enough. Not everyone has the same access to resources. Some places are closed to people. Honestly, working hard does not always mean you’re going to become a “success.”

They are scared shitless of her and I am loving every minute of it.


“The real enemy of the people...”

Start a rumor that he's afraid to hold it then, he'll become desperate to.

I would be happy to buy this man a pint.

I, for one, would like to offer my thoughts and prayers to any 2nd Amendment people that were harmed during the filming of this.

“in the end we played each other and I confirmed what I feared this was all about.”

From the Wikipedia entry for the phrase/curse “May you live in interesting times”:

anyhow, I think tomorrow’s Daily News cover just about, uh, covers it...

Well he’s giving it to Barron, so he’ll never be within 20ft of it again!

Josh Gordon Says He Got Drunk Before Every Browns Game