
Neoliberal agency is a bitch. And it definitely hasn’t been kind to organized labor.

Crosby Stills Nash And The Rangers

When you see drama: remember distraction.

Religion is a really good way to ruin a country, you forgot the i, an honest mistake I’m sure.

I read this quickly as Religion is a really good way to ruin a country, and I think you’re on to something.

I used to joke that if I ever did find religion, I’d choose Buddhism. Then I heard about Myanmar. Now I’m just thinking Cthulhu is the way to go.

Religion is the scapegoat. This wasnt such an issue - Rohingya were elected to the government positions in the 40s and 50s. It wasn’t perfect, far from it, but my god babies weren’t being thrown alive into fires. The 1982 Citizenship law is the foundation for this horrific behavior. That was the beginning of the end

Yet, tons of members of the GOP see nothing wrong in imposing their Christian beliefs onto everyone...

Religion is a highly effective tool for dehumanizing entire groups of people. I have yet to see a government that hasn’t utilized it as such.

I work with refugees and this makes me so damn depressed

That’s a universal truth for all theocracies.

There was actually an article in the Daily News contending those two points, verbatim. I remember laughing because Alicia Keys’ caterwauling was so terrible and annoying.

‘P’ is criminally low here. The Pirates logo is one of the best letter logos in sports.

I imagine, short of the Primanti’s exuberant faithful, Steeler’s nation is not preoccupied with Ben’s repasts...Oh, never mind.

Damn, Roethlisberger committed to that Blake Bortles impression.

The Fool’s role is often to speak truth to power. The play is a comedy when they’re heard, a tragedy when they’re not.

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 53, she was in remission for 15 years until she got diagnosed again this past February. I was 8 when she was first diagnosed, now I am 23, and I have to say that it is a lot fucking scarier when you’re a grownup and fully realize that your mom has a

Googles “sit down wipe” and discovers:

the head-first t shirt people are the same weirdos as the sit down wipers, right?

In response to questions one and two, why do you hate America?