And we will normally yield to a mother in need of the facilities. Just watch where you step.
And we will normally yield to a mother in need of the facilities. Just watch where you step.
Ummm.. restrooms exist in most Staples locations. You might interrupt a hobo jerking off, but still.
Once again Michael they don’t pay you enough for this. Especially this week
These ignorant, stiff necked, soup cookies don’t want to hear all the math and stats no matter how true it is. They just want to yell, shake their neck beard jowls, and throw a tantrum. It’s their privilege.
The decision to keep flying was the pilot’s decision, and he died in the crash too. Suing the family of a man who died because of his own non-malicious mistake seems distasteful to me, especially given how much more money than the Zobayans the Bryants already have.
What does T.I. have to say about the effrontery of this man’s loud & proud renunciation of his marriage vows?! Where is Snoop’s call for the culture to rise up and ‘handle’ this so-called man for humiliating B. Smith by cheating and stealing this Sistuh’s money and giving it to some daughter of Germany?!?! I guess Koon…
Responding to mild criticism of a writer with a demand of suicide is totally healthy and completely normal.
If these Nazis were Muslim terrorists it would have been weeks worth of 24/7 news coverage with every single talking head screaming that the Muslim population needs to condemn these terrorists. But they are white so it was just one days worth of news. I was surprised it got the little attention it did.
I don’t appreciate the implication that she’s an asshole because she managed to find a way to prolong the utility of her Baywatch money.
Sorry, do you mean the article or my comment? Washing hands is vital to stop the spread of disease, that’s well established and not in dispute, but simply washing your hands doesn’t give you a stronger immune system, which is what the article implies.
These are people dying, for fuck’s sake. Maybe not the best topic for your shitty pseudo-woke humor?
Same. Hated it as vapid derivative predictable unfunny twaddle then, stilllllllll hate it now.
It’s an unpopular 90s opinion, but I never liked that show.
I’ve said it since 1994: Friends don’t let friends watch Friends
And it is not just hand washing (otherwise known as common sense and hygiene) that has bolstered women’s immunity, it’s also genetics.
Guess what dummy? Grindr is known by mainstream society. It’s the secret sex club app you think it is. Knowing of its existence doesn’t mean one is on the “DL”. Even as a joke, your writing here is fucked up.
“What kind of person rents a $40,000 per month mansion for five or more *years*?“