
I can’t even read the Oregonian anymore, let alone the comments! But I am cautiously hopeful that this momentum keeps up, and things start changing.

Damn, I love her! Long time coming.

She has been advocating for N/NE Portland as long as I can remember (I’ve lived here about 30 years), she is definitely a badass!

Jo Ann Hardesty is the best thing to happen to Portland! She’s been around forever, and I’m so glad she’s getting the recognition she deserves. 

I raised two children and 4 years old is entirely appropriate. Especially if they’re repeating things. 


Well, my first thought was that Barron bit him, so maybe based on the truth?

Hot take. People age. News at eleven.

Good thing Splinter had that grey-out so now quality comments like this are on top with all the stars.

I think he’s closeted.

That is exactly how I’m going to refer to him from now on!

It works - if you take it as prescribed.

Hey now, don’t blame my life-saving medication for Trump’s delusions!

Apparently it’s a thing, but I agree - stupid design. 

I’m inclined to agree with that. 

Well, you learn something new every day!

I’m curious to know what she really did to her face that she thought this would be a better story. And do car doors really unlock when you put your car in park?  

I still suspect he is somehow connected to Splinter. It’s the only logical explanation. (I sure hope this doesn’t interfere with my ungreying)

It pains me to star this comment. 

I suspect they like keeping a shit-stirrer on here. Keeps it interesting. Or something.