
With that orange hue and white circles around her eyes she’s looking a lot like her husband.

“I’m Dominican bitch!”  

Sadly, that was my first thought as well.  *sigh*

What do you have against scrabble tiles?!?

I was born, and spent my first 11 years in Ohio (near Dayton and Yellow Springs), I moved to Albuquerque NM, and then to Portland OR at age 19.

I’m a liberal (socialist) and I have at least 5 different pairs of glasses - for close-up, super close-up, reading (2 pairs), and driving (2 pairs).
That’s besides the magnifying glass I keep in my purse.

Right? I’m only 52, and I keep a lighted magnifying glass in my purse just in case. No shame. 

It’s really not that hard to understand when someone tells you something is offensive to them, it’s offensive to them. Stop. 

That H&M hoodie came right to mind when I read this!

I’m glad to see she gave her the benefit of the doubt, because I’ve referred to kids (including my own) as little monkeys (regardless of color), but the teacher fucked up when she didn’t immediately realize her mistake and apologize.

Most christians today are not very christ-like. 

Or he’s too vain to wear eyeglasses.

It’s pretty hard to fucking miss. 

“Russia? But I barely know her.” heeheehee 

I stepped away from my internet, as I do often, which is why my answer was not instantaneous.

Those are your thoughts. My point exactly.

*jacking off motion*

This is the best thing to read. 

And for shits and giggles I googled trump’s policy on shooting migrants, and this popped right up.

I just popped over to Google News - this was the second story.