
Interestingly enough, when the gentrification first started the whites moving in still transferred their kids to schools outside of their neighborhoods. The affordable housing was good enough for them, but none of the local culture. 

I realized it right after I responded the first time and regretted that I didn’t do the cut and paste to respond. 

I realize I am still very naive about so many of these things! But it makes perfect sense.  Portland is not friendly to people of color, that much I am aware of. 

Thanks, I’ll check that out. 

Your reply is really getting under my skin, because it is so indicative of the shitty attitudes of the gentrifiers (which I’m guessing you are due to your defense).
Do you know this neighborhood used to have no crosswalks? Nobody gave a shit about the people who lived here, the roads were bad, sidewalks poorly

There is a weird lack of any kind of black professionals here. Or at least a noticeable presence.  It’s really odd. 

I live in Portland too, and the utter entitlement of the pedestrians and bicyclists in the city is beyond annoying.

There’s a special kind of racism here in old progressive Portland. As someone who grew up around Dayton Ohio, the lack of color and integration here is unbelievable.

I live here, in NE Portland, where I’ve lived for about 30 years. The changes have been staggering. I am white, and when I moved here all of my colleagues (white) were so concerned about me moving to “the hood”! It was offensive, and the attitude of the newcomers in the neighborhood are just as bad. Entitled assholes

I was actually thinking Alberta - which is basically the same deal. I’ve heard of the book, but haven’t read it. I’ll have to check it out. 

If I’m correct, and I believe I am, this area is a highly gentrified area. Fucking disgusting. 

Have you seen who they elected for president?

This is how you “christian” correctly. 

I’m afraid he’ll take it as a compliment. 

I’d like to know what his definition of “yelling” is. Many people consider any negative commentary to them as “yelling,” even if there are no raised voices. I suspect the nazi sympathizer isn’t above hyperbole. 

Fuck that! The victims’ friends and families should be protected from these evill-doers at all costs.

I’d love to prove this guy wrong. 

I love Euchre!  And GBC. I’m originally from Ohio.