
My go to curse is: May every step you take feel like you’re walking on Legos.

My now-wife told me, about a year after we got married, that she didn’t like how I kiss her.

Your comment is confusing and incorrect.

We’re so glad that you could stomach the twee long enough to impart your wisdom.

Now is as good a time as any to air the number one grievance I have with Jezebel. Chiefly: they don’t feature women doing stuff. There’s a lot about celebs and there’s a lot about clothes and makeup and stupid MRA frat moments, but there are precious few articles on women actually making strides in their fields and

Actually, “Broad City” makes me feel pretty good about my life, because at least I’ve never melted a custom-made sex toy in the dishwasher.

Teens/early 20s = friends, lovers and enemies at work are fair game

I already have a break up app. It's called Eat24 and it delivers fried my front door.

I have a penchant for hideous florals. I love them. I will be fashionable this season with my Mary Jane clogs.

Judge Brown, shade right? White and square to the third power.

stop dating and marrying men who are not adults.

Please tell me any reason why I shouldn’t adore Lisa and Zoë. Otherwise, I will love them forever because all I see is awesome and cool.

Julia, 23:

Hey, Rachel, it’s Thought Catalog, not ThinkProgress. Poor ThinkProgress!

Hi, Rachel.

  • property is theft

that’s about right

A) Mental illness needs to stop be paraded out as a reason for every murder. Millions of people deal with mental illness, a minuscule % of which may become killers.

But like, what if the red you see is like, different than the red I see maaaan?

a forensics report