
Yeah, I’m sticking with Attention Whore.

I am so fashion forward I don’t even carry a “bag”. I use my pockets to hold my phone, cards, and keys. Bags are like oppressive anchors that hold you down you gotta remember where you put it, you end up carrying whole bunches of extra shit that you don’t need, and people with you who don’t want to carry their own

Said it before, I’ll say it again:

She actually does a lot for homeless LBGTQ youth and abused animals.

You guys, I seriously can’t help but like Miley. I mean come on. She dumped her fiancé, cut all her hair off and started talking about feminism and now she’s growing out her body hair and smoking a bunch of weed and getting nekkid all the time. She’s everything I look for in a woman. What other big-name pop star has

Team Kesha.

The whole cast is adorbz. Though my weakness is 100% Dean.

Well, thanks for enlightening us, Dave Coulier! But would she go down on you in a theater?

Fuck that other reply. Good for you!

All very lovely. :) I expected to read something that was body negative and overly superficial but instead found a heartwarming statement about life partnership.

Just going to point out that the fact that child is saying she feels blessed at that age is probably a testament to how humble her father is.

instead of RBF he has RSF

You mean Anti-Choice.

My diet is popcorn, s’mores Oreos, and cheese. There. I said it!

thank you! i actually do not mind that post because it’s such an obviously incorrect claim—he’d have been better off taking me down with something more realistic. i also tend to trust that—as happened on that issue—whenever men’s rights advocates and very far left feminists are mad at me for the same reason

This is incredibly well written and well thought out. I’m sorry that your name pops up with such a terrible association, that must hurt but seriously great job on this piece.

“Women make decisions based on their emotions”.

Whatever the reason, this movie is shiny and chrome.