Augustus Fink-Nottle

That's why so many transfers don't seem to get done in a reasonable time frame!

I like to think the Night Library is a secret library known only to the select few that opens only at night and maybe moves around a bit, but it is probably just a normal library that is open at night.

I'll have to read that later. It reminds me a bit of Conrad's story "Youth" about a shipwreck around the same part of the world.

You aren't.

Actually, listening I think I may have posted it before. For whatever reason it popped up like it was new on my feed today.

I can't argue with that!

Turns out they were part of the Gilligan's Island televisual universe all along!

I remember watching, I guess it was Ebert and Roeper by that point and Roeper said of Memento, "It's a movie for smart people. I loved it."

Quite a lot (most of it maybe?) of their back-catalogue is in the latest Humble bundle. The top tier is, I want to say, $18 which isn't far off what you'd pay for any single game at full price.

An IV A- and 107 minute run-time? Sign me up for some Dunkirk

"I think you long for an unconventional life."
"I think you're the one with the secret identity."

I don't think I've posted this over here: Akalé Wubé, Ethiopian-inspired jazz.

At least Bowie's cult status makes some sense.

Johnny Cash was in Lost?

Latin for "endless core-blasting" of course. Exercise is a fine way to spend your weekend. I commend you.

Casual revelations of trying to watch movies in 70mm.

Reading Sean O'Neal write about young, hot Chewbacca is a worthwhile use of your limited time here on earth.

She should be starring in her own series of spin-off films about her John Wick character instead.