Augustus Fink-Nottle

In fine fettle.

Very nearly finished with House of Leaves, just a little bit of the appendices left to go. Also read a bit of Kierkegaard's Repetition, a book I've been meaning to read for awhile now (at least since the end of The Good Place), but hadn't gotten around to.

It's a favorite of mine and, I think, absolutely worth your time, but I'm not really sure you can turn a corner in it. The plot never becomes really propulsive or anything. If you haven't enjoyed the first half, you likely won't enjoy the second much more.

Finished House of Leaves today. I think I'm going to reread Hoffmann's The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr next (full title:The Life and Opinions of the Tomcat Murr together with a fragmentary Biography of Kapellmeister Johannes Kreisler on Random Sheets of Waste Paper) an early 19th c. satirical novel about a

For now.

Now it turns out the spoilerphobes were right. All those people exploding with rage while watching Dr. Who would've been more fun than preemptively exploding with rage while reading a press release.

"Thirteen" said more about young love and the power of rock in two and a half minutes than Almost Famous did in two hours. Come at me.

A very bad USMNT beat Nicaragua 3-0 in the Gold Cup while failing to score on two penalties. So, uh, that's a thing that happened.

Van Dyke Parks - Song Cycle
Funkadelic - Maggot Brain

I forgot yesterday was Bastille Day. Anyway, here's a French army band playing Daft Punk. Macron seems significantly more pleased than Trump.

High five!

You space(d); oddity I'm sure.

And about half the size of Réunion (Payet seems to be the only player of much note from there). I'd guess it's the best French insular region in football.

A mistake for both parties. I still like him as a player. Maybe he's another that will benefit from Europa.

And Martial is a bit disgruntled…

I think Giroud or Lucas will go, hopefully not both as a replacement would certainly be needed then.