Augustus Fink-Nottle

We’re still commenting on the disqus page:

I don’t think they do. I’m auto-approved, but I don’t know why it isn’t working for some people.

  • There’s a button on the right with an Aa.

Hi, Nerd. I’ve always felt weird calling you that.



It seems like we might need to reload for some stuff to show up. I only saw your first two comments (with Eric’s pending) until now.

Let me free you from your prison!

Hi. I guess I’ll still use disqus for awhile.

Dawes [farts, sadly]

The Eleventh Hour might still be my favorite.

It starts a little slow, but gets better.

Poor 3:10 to Yuma.

It gets really good. Hits a few dips, but it all comes together in the end.

I'm about a week late, but RIP Segun Bucknor.

Everyone catch up on TAZ so I can talk about it here. Also everyone start listening to TAZ and then catch up on it.

Captive market.

Young and sexy?