Augustus Fink-Nottle

Oh, you mean Lynch is pre-post-horror post-horror. Why not just say that?

I saw a bit of Galaxy Quest on tv recently. What are some other parodies that also stand up as good entries into whatever genre they're parodying? That's to say, Galaxy Quest, for example, is a pretty good sci-fi/Star Trek movie along with being a good parody.


And I like to think his last name is one of those occupational ones like Baker or Cooper and his ancestors were (allowing for a bit of corruption) Franco-German dung collectors; i.e. "merde-sackers".

Jack Lemon and Joe E. Brown at the end of Some Like It Hot.

Per Mertesacker will take over the Arsenal youth academy after this year. I'm pleased as Punch.

Oh Blacula, not Bakula.

Oh boy!

There wasn't much to it as I was away from the usual sources for most of it. I did finish reading Endless Things, but I'm not sure where I'm headed next, fictionally speaking.

Armond White works for The Onion now?

LaToya Ferguson says at the end of her GLOW (which is great and all y'all should watch it) review that it might be her last for AVC. (Actually) sad!

Or Angus McDonald, boy detective.

I'll have to look around for one. I might be out. I figured we would probably do it with voices which is why I never wanted to say I was definitely in.

It's pretty fun (to play in person, at least). Even some of my cousins who don't like games will play it when we're all together.

I'm back from the wilds of eastern north-central Louisiana. I heard stories about Old Nell, the farting, semi-retired mule and Uncle Bertram fighting with an armadillo in the middle of the night.