Augustus Fink-Nottle

My favorite fighting games were the two Bushido Blades (awful guy with a gun levels aside). There were a few button combinations for special moves, but because you were fighting with sharp weapons that could possibly kill in one hit, combat was mostly about positioning, timing, and countering. I've never been very

He joined the Drive-By Truckers in the mid-aughts and contributed songs on three of their albums (Decoration Day, The Dirty South, and A Blessing and a Curse), before going solo. "Goddamn Lonely Love" (yt link) might be the best song on The Dirty South. I've only caught bits and pieces of his solo work.

A lot of Jorge Ben, country music, and the London is the Place for Me compilations from Honest Jon's Records (calypso, jazz, afropop, etc.)

*Brave Dave, astride his faithful steed Rocinante, rides to the rescue of the Narrator*

"We're thinking of something that's unique, we're talking about the southern border, lots of sun, lots of heat. We're thinking about building the wall as a solar wall, so it creates energy and pays for itself. And this way, Mexico will have to pay much less money, and that's good, right? Solar wall, panels, beautiful.

RIP Belton Richard

Alternative joke: If it takes making a movie to prove Semi wrong, I don't want to be Wright.

He's the answer when the questions are wrong!

Saw is finally revealed to be a part of the Step Up cinematic universe?

For whatever reason, we keep getting upvotes from these empty disqus accounts that never comment, but have links to Russian domain sites and poorly translated profile descriptions, like this one: It upvoted a random comment of mine earlier today.

Of course I quote a Russian pornbot right as someone new shows up.

"Kohl rapidly you are concerned about the rapid sex sex with a stranger on 1 twice in those cases go here."

Yeah the conventional one with big faces is probably the more popular one with Joe and Jane Q. Public. The whole Q. Public family, really: Jimmy, Jamaal, Jarvis, Jessica, Jemele, Frank.

I prefer the one with just the gun and car.

But what if Tank and the Bangas formed a band with Titus Andromedon?

And the Steam summer sale starts tomorrow.

Have you thought about becoming Johnny Mnemonic or the Lawnmower Man and then just searching the internet?