Augustus Fink-Nottle

Optimus Prime is an example of someone who's done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more, I notice.

The cast and direction was really all that had me interested. I like Han, but don't really need to know any more about him. Apparently they were fired because they were "too freewheeling", but a freewheeling version of the film is the only one I can imagine being good.

Never tell me the odds!

I also missed the codpiece.

Cindy is not so bad so far.

Would you say that to Billy Bob Thornton?!

RIP Prodigy of Mobb Deep

Gentlemen need clubs too!

I'm glad Ignatiy is there to review NYRB books I've thought about getting. He's probably the only one on staff that's likely to do so.

Was there a Victoria's Secret model that needed protection?

"it's good, but it also… kinda isn't"

Got a little further in my S2 rewatch of Miss Jane T. Virgin. I'll always laugh at how Rogelio talks about his beef with Britney Spears. Watched the first third of the Great British Baking Show, too.

I saw Spirited Away for the first time earlier this year; twas great.

Product idea: a collaboration between Nintendo and Fleshlight called the 'Bate and Switch.

Maybe Adventure Time or Steven Universe?

Yeah, those curved Spanish terracotta tiles are the way to go.

There's a disqus page with it too. I say if the switch-over takes us by surprise and we don't have any other plans yet, we all meet up there and figure out what to do.