Augustus Fink-Nottle

And some Polish music

Maybe his elaborate murder instructions for his mother is the greatest Rube Goldberg machine of all?

Remember a few weeks back when we were all thinking to ourselves, "Boy, this place could sure use some oud music to liven things up," but everyone was afraid to be the first to say anything?

Something something la petite mort.

Hmm. I was thinking we'd all end up in a farming commune living together. We'd still never see each other, but Tere or somebody could maybe get some sort of LAN communication network going.

*dons quirky hat of some sort*
Looks like this is a job for the CZ Mystery Team! Come on chums, the game is afoot.

Probably not.

I don't know. All the mods of it are AVC regulars, I think, but I'm not sure what the process for creating new threads and closing them (if they close them). They have like two open threads a day, but I'm not sure if that's because channel threads have a cut-off or they just want to do it that way.

Yeah I've commented a bit on their subject specific threads (like books or videogames), but the main threads move too fast for me to really keep up with.

Harper Lee was wrong about mockingbirds, though, they actually aren't very nice birds. They kind of bully others and some will lay their eggs in other birds' nests.

Not really, but I try not to pay attention to them.

Between Paradise Lost being described as "a biblical Game of Thrones" and people thinking Julius Caesar is pro-assassination, I think everyone needs to take remedial literature courses this summer.

At the moment, the production is happy, but for so happy, ill-secured.

Bob Frost?

That's because andouille's true home is in a pot of red beans or gumbo.

The House cancelled a hearing today on legislation that would make it "easier to purchase silencers, transport guns across state lines and ease restrictions on armor-piercing bullets." You know, for recreational purposes.

Yes, she who is simultaneously dangerously incompetent and yet has never been linked to any of the deaths in her decades-long murder conspiracy. Also, emails.

I got a Lion King notification for this?!

I've got some!

The Russo brothers are adapting Little Nightmares for TV. I never played it, but I saw an article about the creepy, slightly jerky animation style and it looks neat. I especially like the long-armed, blind janitor feeling his way around with his hands.